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Created November 4, 2024 15:11
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Saya akan menjelaskan secara detail perbandingan dan analisis dari hasil penelitian di halaman 6, khususnya terkait Tabel 1:


  • Platform: MATLAB R2015a
  • Step size: 1
  • Direction: 90°
  • Threshold: 2/3 (untuk kedua kondisi dengan dan tanpa noise)
  • Gaussian noise: mean 0.1, variance 0.004
  1. ANALISIS TABEL 1 "Quantitative assessment index outcomes of each focus function":

A) Sharpness Ratio (Rasio Ketajaman):

Noiseless Condition:
- GLCM: 16.58
- Correlation: 10.29
- Energy: 6.04
- Fourier: 3.71
- Variance: 1.89

With Noise:
- GLCM: 14.19
- Correlation: 6.83
- Energy: 5.09
- Fourier: 2.31
- Variance: 1.18


  • GLCM menunjukkan rasio tertinggi baik dengan atau tanpa noise
  • Penurunan rasio GLCM saat ada noise (2.39) lebih kecil dibanding Correlation (3.46)
  • "GLCM evaluation function is, on average, higher than that of the remaining four evaluation functions by 11.0975 and 10.3375" [hal.7]

B) Abruptness (Kecuraman):

- GLCM: 0.29
- Correlation: 0.15
- Energy: 0.12
- Fourier: 0.09
- Variance: 0.07

With Noise:
- GLCM: 0.21
- Correlation: 0.12
- Energy: 0.08
- Fourier: 0.06
- Variance: 0.04


  • GLCM memiliki nilai kecuraman tertinggi (0.29 tanpa noise, 0.21 dengan noise)
  • "The steepness performance of the GLCM evaluation function is still better than the other functions, with an average of 63.605%" [hal.7]
  • Perubahan kecuraman setiap fungsi relatif kecil (dalam range 0.1)

C) Sensitivity Factor (Faktor Sensitivitas):

- GLCM: 0.69
- Correlation: 0.48
- Energy: 0.24
- Fourier: 0.19
- Variance: 0.13

With Noise:
- GLCM: 0.58
- Correlation: 0.31
- Energy: 0.15
- Fourier: 0.09
- Variance: 0.09


  • GLCM menunjukkan sensitivitas tertinggi dalam kedua kondisi
  • "The GLCM evaluation function has the best performance in improving the focusing accuracy of the system" [hal.7]
  • Sensitivitas GLCM 62.32% dan 74.14% lebih tinggi dari fungsi lain

D) Processing Time (Waktu Pemrosesan):

- GLCM: 36.45ms
- Correlation: 42.19ms
- Energy: 38.57ms
- Fourier: 27.03ms
- Variance: 23.71ms

With Noise:
- GLCM: 41.07ms
- Correlation: 50.81ms
- Energy: 46.28ms
- Fourier: 39.88ms
- Variance: 36.44ms


  • GLCM berada di tingkat menengah untuk waktu pemrosesan
  • Rata-rata waktu fokus GLCM: 38.76ms
  • "Although the real-time performance of the GLCM evaluation function is not the best, the research proposed GLCM evaluation function performs best and has high practical application value" [hal.7]


  1. Keunggulan GLCM:
  • Rasio ketajaman tertinggi
  • Kecuraman terbaik
  • Sensitivitas superior
  • Ketahanan noise yang baik
  1. Trade-offs:
  • Waktu pemrosesan moderat
  • Peningkatan kompleksitas komputasi
  1. Performa Overall: "The GLCM evaluation function studied in paper has the best performance in noiseless images" dan "GLCM assessment curve performs best and its performance is optimal" [hal.6]

Referensi ini diambil dari halaman 6-7 jurnal dan Tabel 1, memberikan pemahaman komprehensif tentang perbandingan kuantitatif antara berbagai metode evaluasi fokus yang diuji dalam penelitian ini.

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