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Created June 7, 2023 01:59
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:: ( AsaMode
-> ( String
-> YT.SIO (YT.YesodExampleData App) (AsaTestState Identity)
-> SpecWith (Arg (YT.SIO (YT.YesodExampleData App) (AsaTestState Identity)))
-> SpecWith (Arg (YT.SIO (YT.YesodExampleData App) ()))
-> SpecWith (Arg (YT.SIO (YT.YesodExampleData App) ()))
runWithAsaModes cb = do
-- The tmvar scheme is required because hspec tests cant communicate results to each other.
-- The tests are run concurrently anyway so this makes sense from that perspective.
nominalVar <- runIO $ newEmptyTMVarIO
degradedVar <- runIO $ newEmptyTMVarIO
let mkIt
:: TMVar AsaTestResult
-> String
-> YT.SIO (YT.YesodExampleData App) (AsaTestState Identity)
-> SpecWith (Arg (YT.SIO (YT.YesodExampleData App) (AsaTestState Identity)))
mkIt var name action =
it name $ do
res <- try action
case res of
Left (err :: SomeException) -> do
atomically $ putTMVar var TestFailed
throwWithCallStack err
Right ts -> do
atomically $ putTMVar var $ TestFinished ts
pure ts
describe "ASA Fallback: Nominal" $ cb NominalPath (mkIt nominalVar)
describe "ASA Fallback: Degraded" $ cb DegradedPath (mkIt degradedVar)
it "ASA Fallback agreement" $ do
(nomRes, degRes) <- atomically $ (,) <$> takeTMVar nominalVar <*> takeTMVar degradedVar
nomState <- case nomRes of
TestFailed -> assertFailure "Nominal test didn't pass"
TestFinished nomState -> pure nomState
degState <- case degRes of
TestFailed -> assertFailure "Degraded test didn't pass"
TestFinished degState -> pure degState
"Nominal and Degraded asa fallback modes disagree on lithic transaction state"
(asaTestStateLithicTransactionState nomState)
(asaTestStateLithicTransactionState degState)
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