Install required packages for compile:
dnf install -y wget telnet \
automake gcc make diffutils \
tcl-devel openssl-devel
Create a new user on the system for the bot:
adduser eggdrop
Chnage to eggdrop
su eggdrop
cd ~
Download the latest version:
Unpack archive:
tar -vxzf eggdrop-1.9.5.tar.gz
Create the destination folder for bots:
mkdir ~/bots
Run configuration script:
cd eggdrop-1.9.5
./configure && make config
Compile the bot:
Install bot into custom destination:
make install DEST=${HOME}/bots/kewl
Create bot SSL certificate:
make sslcert DEST=${HOME}/bots/kewl
Go to the directory you installed the bot and edit configuration file:
cd ${HOME}/bots/kewl
nano eggdrop.conf
To be able start the bot, you must update/change the following lines:
set username "kewl"
set admin "Sysop <email: [email protected]>"
set network "efnet"
set timezone "UTC"
set offset "4"
set userfile "kewl.user"
set pidfile "pid.kewl"
set chanfile "kewl.chan"
set notefile "kewl.notes"
listen 13377 all
set nick "kewl"
set altnick "kewl_"
set realname "Kewl"
server add +6697
server add +6669
Initially you need to star the bot with -m
flag to create a user file (-t
is interactive terminal):
./eggdrop -m eggdrop.conf -t
After you see the bot connected, introduce yourself as owner:
/msg kewl hello
/msg kewl pass <yourhexorpassword>
Now you should exit the interactive mode and install the bot as background process.
Amazon Linux don't come with cron service (run as root
dnf install cronie -y
systemctl enable crond.service
systemctl start crond.service
systemctl status crond
Create a cron record that will start/restart the bot:
./scripts/autobotchk eggdrop.conf
Run the crontab file manually to start bot in background:
Connect the but from without SSH using telnet
telnet localhost 13377