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Created July 21, 2019 00:40
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import streamlit as st
# To make things easier later, we're also importing numpy and pandas for working with sample data.
import numpy
import pandas
# Don't worry, we'll explain this method in the next section. We need to make at least one
# call to Streamlit in order to generate a report.
st.title("Demo Test")
# streamlit.header("I'm a large heading")
# streamlit.subheader("I'm not a large heading")
st.markdown("**AllenNLP Reading Comprehension demo**")
passage_pretext = 'The Matrix is a 1999 science fiction action film.'
passage =st.text_area('Passage Input:', passage_pretext)
import allennlp
from allennlp.predictors.predictor import Predictor
def load_predictor():
predictor = Predictor.from_path("")
return predictor
predictor = load_predictor()
q = "When is the Matrix written?"
question = st.text_input('question:', q)
# st.write(passage)
# st.write(question)
answer= predictor.predict(passage = passage, question = question)
best_span = answer["best_span_str"]
best_span_idx = answer["best_span"]
def in_span(pos: int, idxs):
if pos >= idxs[0] and pos <= idxs[1]:
return True
return False
str = ["**"+x+"**" if in_span(pos, best_span_idx) else x for pos,x in enumerate(answer["passage_tokens"])]
st.markdown(" ".join(str))
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
attention_array = np.asarray(answer["passage_question_attention"])
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
im = ax.imshow(attention_array)
st.header("Address Parsing Demo")
address = st.text_input('address:', value='广东省广州市')
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