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Allen.YL allenyllee

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timcsy /
Last active May 7, 2024 09:09
備份 HackMD 上面之前上傳到 imgur 的圖片。請到 HackMD 的設定頁面把所有的筆記下載下來,放在 Notes 資料夾裡面,然後把這個 檔放在外面,執行 python 之後就可以備份囉!備份後的圖將存到 imgur 資料夾
import os
from glob import glob
import re
import urllib.request
paths = glob('Notes/*.md')
results = []
for path in paths:
with open(path, 'r', encoding='UTF-8') as fin:
data =
y56 / ERROR launchpadlib 1.10.6 requires testresources which is not installed
Created April 11, 2020 19:26
ERROR: launchpadlib 1.10.6 requires testresources, which is not installed.
ERROR: launchpadlib 1.10.6 requires testresources, which is not installed.
+2 votes
asked Oct 6, 2019 in Programming Languages by pythonuser (11.5k points)
recategorized Oct 6, 2019 by pythonuser
I am getting the following error when I try to upgrade setuptools:
robroc /
Last active April 29, 2024 11:35
An example of clustering points of a map with HDBSCAN and using weighted averages to find the optimal cluster center
# Thanks to Leland McInnes (@leland_mcinnes) for devising the weighting solution
import hdbscan
import numpy as np
"""Assume df is a pandas dataframe with latitude and longitude columns in WGS84"""
# Define a cluster selection epsilon to group points within this distance.
ojdo /
Last active April 12, 2022 10:47
From Pandas to Excel using Openpyxl
import pandas as pd
from io import StringIO
from openpyxl.formatting.rule import ColorScaleRule
from openpyxl.styles import Alignment, Font, NamedStyle
from openpyxl.utils import get_column_letter
df = pd.read_csv(StringIO("""\
alpha beta gamma
2000-01-01 -0.173215 0.119209 -1.044236
2000-01-02 -0.861849 -2.104569 -0.494929
gvolpe /
Last active March 15, 2022 20:27
Shared State in pure Functional Programming

Shared State in pure Functional Programming

Newcomers to Functional Programming are often very confused about the proper way to share state without breaking purity and end up having a mix of pure and impure code that defeats the purpose of having pure FP code in the first place.

Reason why I decided to write up a beginner friendly guide :)

Use Case

We have a program that runs three computations at the same time and updates the internal state to keep track of the

joeharr4 /
Last active November 18, 2024 03:43 — forked from dlenski/
Check speed of ssh cipher(s) on your system
# - Assesses speed of SSH encryption between specific hosts.
# Usage:
# <remotehost> [ciphers]
# Default ciphers: all we can find...
# Note: In some cases, the first cipher tested runs faster than the others, regardless of order.
# Cause of this is not known, but changing the order of testing shows it to be true. Run the
# first one twice if you suspect this. Perhaps it is due to buffering?
harry-cpp /
Last active November 17, 2023 16:21
VSCode extension for Nautilus
Moved to:
since people want to add features to it and no notification arrive from comments on gist.
Brainiarc7 /
Last active February 21, 2025 01:29
This gist will show you how to tune your Intel-based Skylake, Kabylake and beyond Integrated Graphics Core for performance and reliability through GuC and HuC firmware usage on Linux.

Tuning Intel Skylake and beyond for optimal performance and feature level support on Linux:

Note that on Skylake, Kabylake (and the now cancelled "Broxton") SKUs, functionality such as power saving, GPU scheduling and HDMI audio have been moved onto binary-only firmware, and as such, the GuC and the HuC blobs must be loaded at run-time to access this functionality.

Enabling GuC and HuC on Skylake and above requires a few extra parameters be passed to the kernel before boot.

Instructions provided for both Fedora and Ubuntu (including Debian):

Note that the firmware for these GPUs is often packaged by your distributor, and as such, you can confirm the firmware blob's availability by running:

lentschi /
Last active July 29, 2020 22:32
Run a program requiring xserver as another user by passing on the xauth cookie
#!/bin/bash -e
# Run a program requiring xserver as another user by passing on the xauth cookie
# s.
# s.
# AUTHOR: Florian Lentsch <[email protected]>
# TESTED: on Ubuntu 16.04 only
# USAGE: xsudo <username> <command>
super3 / payout.MD
Last active September 8, 2020 01:48
Storj Bridge Payout Formula

Payout Formula

paymentModelFunction = function(gbHours, telemReports, downloadedBytes) {
 gbHoursScaled =  (gbHours - mean(gbHours)) / sd(gbHours)
 telemReportsScaled =  (telemReports - mean(telemReports)) / sd(telemReports)
 downloadedBytesScaled = (downloadedBytes - mean(downloadedBytes)) / sd(downloadedBytes)
 basePayout = 10
 ghHourPayout = 12.2221 * gbHoursScaled
 telemReportsPayout = 0.1452 * telemReportsScaled