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Last active February 24, 2023 06:55
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thai sorting -> port form java to typescipt
// => java to typescript
const SARA_E = 0x0e40;
const SARA_AI_MAIMALAI = 0x0e44;
const MAITAIKHU = 0x0e47;
const THANTHAKHAT = 0x0e4c; // a.k.a. "garan"
export function isLeadingVowel(c: string) {
// Returns true if character is in the range from SARA E to SARA AI MAIMALAI,
// i.e. if the character is a leading vowel
return c.charCodeAt(0) >= SARA_E && c.charCodeAt(0) <= SARA_AI_MAIMALAI;
export function isToneMark(c: string) {
// Returns true if character is in the range from MAITHAIKHU to THANTHAKHAT
// which includes the four tone marks. I.e. all "above" symbols
return c.charCodeAt(0) >= MAITAIKHU && c.charCodeAt(0) <= THANTHAKHAT;
function setCharAt(str: string, index: number, chr: string) {
if (index > str.length - 1) return str;
return str.substring(0, index) + chr + str.substring(index + 1);
export function getThaiComparisonString(s: string) {
// Convert String to a character array
const chars = s;
// Swap all leading vowels with next character
for (let i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) {
if (isLeadingVowel(chars[i])) {
const c = chars[i];
setCharAt(chars, i, chars[i + 1]);
setCharAt(chars, i + 1, c);
// The String for comparison is built in to parts, here referred to
// as "head" and "tail". "tail" always begins with "00".
let head = "";
let tail = "00";
// Add each character to the "head" unless it's a tone mark,
// MAITHAIKHU, or THANTHAKHAT, in which case add a 2 digit
// String to "tail" representing its original position from the
// END of the original String, then append the mark itself to "tail".
for (let i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) {
if (isToneMark(chars[i])) {
const pos = chars.length - i;
tail += pos >= 10 ? "" + pos : "0" + pos;
tail += chars[i];
} else {
head += chars[i];
// Return the Comparison string
return head + tail;
export function HowtoUse(a: string, b: string) {
const csA = getThaiComparisonString(a);
const csB = getThaiComparisonString(b);
return csA.localeCompare(csB, "th");
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