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Created November 12, 2017 20:29
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Silly script for reformatting the timestamps in log file names.
#!/usr/bin/env boot
;; vim: ft=clojure
(set-env! :dependencies '[[ "0.3.0"]
[me.raynes/fs "1.4.6"]])
(require '[clojure.string :as s]
'[me.raynes/fs :as fs]
'[java-time :as t])
(defn- time-part [name]
(second (re-matches #"results-(.+)\.edn" name)))
(defn -main [& args]
(eval (get-actions)))
(defn get-actions []
(map (fn [file]
{:file file
:base-name (fs/base-name file)}))
(map #(assoc % :results-time (time-part (:base-name %))))
(filter :results-time)
(map #(assoc % :results-time
(s/replace (:results-time %)
(map #(assoc % :parsed-time
(t/zoned-date-time (:results-time %))))
(map (fn [thing]
(let [from-path (:base-name thing)
to-path (str "results-"
(t/format :iso-offset-date-time (:parsed-time thing))
(fs/list-dir fs/*cwd*)))
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