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Created September 13, 2010 23:22
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LaTeX class for homework and example usage.
\problem{\dpv}{7.18 a,b}
In the case where there are many sources and many sinks, we can reduce the
problem to the original problem with a single source and a single sink in
the following manner:
\item Choose one sink $s$ and one source $t$.
\item Replace each non-chosen source with a node $i$, and add edge $(s,i)$
with capacity $\infty$.
\item Replace each non-chosen sink with a node $j$, and add edge $(j,t)$ with
capacity $\infty$.
In the case where each vertex also has a capacity, we can reduce the
problem to the original problem with only edge capacities with the
following method: For each vertex $v$ with capacity $c_v$, create a vertex
$v'$ with all of $v$'s outgoing connections (remove these from $v$) and add
an edge $(v,v')$ with capacity $c_v$.
\ProvidesClass{dsawork}[2009/02/04 Class for DSA homework]
% Base on the standard article class
%%% Header and footer definitions
\fancyhf{} % clear any preexisting settings
%%% end header/footer definitions
% define a problem mark for the header
%%% Assigmnent-specific values
% name to put on title page and header - default to me, of course
\newcommand{\vname}{Adam Lloyd}
% class to put on title page - default to DSA
\newcommand{\vclass}{CSCI 2300}
% name of assignment - no sensible default, so it should be set manually
% submission date - no senseible default, so it should be set manually
% commands to set the above values
% command to create a title page
% based on title page from The Not So Short Introduction to LaTeX2e
% by Tobias Oetiker (find at <>)
\setcounter{page}{0} % don't interfere with page numbering
\thispagestyle{empty} % don't style the title page
{\Huge\bfseries \vclass\\
% TODO: make collaborators and consulted works easier to add
Problems discussed with:\\[1ex]
\hspace{1em} Curtis Antolik \\[0.5ex]
\hspace{1em} Christian Schumacher \\[3ex]
Works consulted:\\[1ex]
\hspace{1em} \textit{Introduction to Algorithms}, 2nd ed. \\
\hspace{2em} by Cormen \textit{et al.} \\[0.5ex]
\hspace{1em} \textit{Algorithms} \\
\hspace{2em} by Dasgupta \textit{et al.} \\[0.5ex]
\renewcommand{\problemmark}{Problem \arabic{ProblemCounter}}
\textbf{Problem \arabic{ProblemCounter}}
\renewcommand{\problemmark}{Problem \arabic{ProblemCounter}}
{\Large\textbf{Problem \arabic{ProblemCounter}}}\\
{\scriptsize Problem #2 in #1}
{\large\textbf{Part \Alph{SubProblemCounter}}}
\renewcommand{\qedsymbol}{{\scriptsize Q.E.D.}}
\newcommand{\dpv}{Dasgupta \emph{et al.}}
\newcommand{\clrs}{Cormen \emph{et al.}}
%%% other miscellaneous commands
\author{Adam Lloyd}
\class{CSCI 2300}
\assignment{Homework 8}
\subdate{27 Apr 2009}
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