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Last active August 29, 2015 14:26
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  • Save allykzam/33c070f1d36b53428909 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save allykzam/33c070f1d36b53428909 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Attempts to handle MSBuild condition attributes
let input = @"$(SolutionDir) == '' Or $(SolutionDir) == '*Undefined*' And $(Configuration) == 'Debug'"
let rec parseWord (data : System.Text.StringBuilder) (input : string) (index : int) (inQuotes : bool) : string * int =
let substr = input.Substring(index)
let f i () = (data.ToString()), (index + i)
let ret = f 1
if input.Length = index
then f 0 ()
let c = input.[index]
if data.Length = 0 && not inQuotes && c = '\''
then parseWord data input (index + 1) true
elif inQuotes && c = '\''
then ret()
elif not inQuotes && c = ' ' && data.Length = 0
then parseWord data input (index + 1) inQuotes
elif not inQuotes && c = ' '
then ret()
else parseWord (data.Append(c)) input (index + 1) inQuotes
let sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder()
let (firstWord, index) = parseWord sb input 0 false
let rec parseComparison (data : System.Text.StringBuilder) (input : string) (index : int) : string * int =
let substr = input.Substring(index)
if input.Length = index
then "", index
let c = input.[index]
if data.Length = 0 && c = ' '
then parseComparison data input (index + 1)
elif data.Length = 2 && c <> ' '
then "", index
elif c = '<' || c = '>' || c = '!' || c = '='
then parseComparison (data.Append(c)) input (index + 1)
else (data.ToString()), index
let (comp, index') = parseComparison sb input index
let (secondWord, index'') = parseWord sb input index' false
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