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Last active September 23, 2015 18:40
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Record definition for use with FAKE, useful for storing desired information about a project
namespace Fake
type ProjectDetails =
/// Project name, useful for filtering against project files
Name : string;
/// Summary for AssemblyInfo and NuGet metadata
Summary : string;
/// Longer description for NuGet metadata
Description : string option;
/// A list of the authors who have worked on the project
Authors : string list;
/// Company or organization name
Organization : string;
/// The initial copyright year, and an sprintf-style formatter ready for
/// the copyright years to be added, e.g.:
/// `sprintf "Copyright %s Your Name Here"`
Copyright : int * (string -> string);
/// For build scripts that create installers, specify true for projects
/// that should have an installer created
Installable : bool;
/// For projects with their own release notes, provide a value here; for
/// others, use the global release notes file for the solution.
ProjectReleaseNotes : string option;
/// If a project needs a special deployment, these are the files that
/// will be deployed
CustomDeployFiles : string list option;
/// Gets the copyright text formatted for the specified year. If the current
/// year is after the initial year, the two will be together, e.g.,
/// "2011-2015"; otherwise, the initial year is provided.
member x.CopyrightText (now:System.DateTime) =
let startYear = x.Copyright |> fst
let format = x.Copyright |> snd
if now.Year > startYear then
format <| sprintf "%i-%i" startYear now.Year
format <| sprintf "%i" startYear
/// Build a map of projects, using their names as keys
static member BuildMap projects =
|> (fun x -> x.Name, x)
|> Map.ofSeq
/// Returns the project details for the specified project if it's in the map
/// provided. The project name can be a file path or just the name of the
/// desired project.
static member TryFindProject (allProjects:Map<string,ProjectDetails>) project =
let name = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension project
let x = Map.tryFind name allProjects
match x with
| Some _ -> x
// Try the project name as it was given, in case the name contains a dot
| None -> Map.tryFind project allProjects
/// Returns the project details for the specified project with the given
/// input, if the specified project is in the map provided. The project name
/// can be a file path or just the name of the desired project. Use this
/// instead of TryFindProject when the input project name is needed (such as
/// when the project type needs to be pattern matched against later).
static member TryFindProjectWithFile (allProjects:Map<string,ProjectDetails>) project =
match ProjectDetails.TryFindProject allProjects project with
| None -> None
| Some(pd) -> Some(project, pd)
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