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Created July 19, 2015 17:33
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Quick test snippet for finding out if two libraries expose the same public API

This is a short test of comparing the public API in two .NET binaries. There isn't any special comparison being done beyond determining whether or not the public APIs match perfectly.

To determine whether or not the two APIs match, build the .cs files like so:

csc /out:Lib1.dll /target:library 10_Lib1.cs
csc /out:Lib2.dll /target:library 20_Lib2.cs

Then edit the file paths in 30_Diff.fsx to match the location of the new DLL files, and then run the script in FSI. The script should output a message indicating whether or not the libraries have the same API.

namespace Library
public class TestClass
public int Add(int a, int b)
return a + b;
namespace Library
public class TestClass
public int Add(int a, int b, int c)
return a + b + c;
let apiMatches file1 file2 =
let f x = x |> (fun x -> sprintf "%A" x) |> Seq.toList
let f' (x : string) : (string * string list) list =
|> Seq.filter (fun x -> x.IsPublic)
|> (fun x -> x.FullName, (f x.DeclaredMembers))
|> Seq.toList
(f' file1) = (f' file2)
let file1 = @"C:\Users\amazingant\Documents\DiffTest\Lib1.dll"
let file2 = @"C:\Users\amazingant\Documents\DiffTest\Lib2.dll"
if apiMatches file1 file2
then printfn "Given libraries have matching APIs"
else printfn "Given libraries have different APIs"
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