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Created August 21, 2012 17:59
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Amazon Glacier from Python. There's now a branch for this, see here:
# Thomas Parslow
# Just a work in progress and adapted to what I need right now.
# It does uploads (via a file-like object that you write to) and
# I've started on downloads. Needs the development version of Boto from Github.
# Example:
# glacierconn = GlacierConnection(AWS_ACCESS_KEY, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY)
# writer = GlacierWriter(glacierconn, GLACIER_VAULT)
# writer.write(somedata)
# writer.write(someotherdata)
# writer.close()
# # Get the id of the newly created archive
# archive_id = writer.get_archive_id()
from boto.connection import AWSAuthConnection
import urllib
import hashlib
import math
import json
class GlacierConnection(AWSAuthConnection):
def __init__(self, aws_access_key_id=None, aws_secret_access_key=None, region="us-east-1",
is_secure=True, port=None, proxy=None, proxy_port=None,
proxy_user=None, proxy_pass=None,
host=None, debug=0, https_connection_factory=None,
path='/', provider='aws', security_token=None,
if host is None:
host = '' % (region,)
AWSAuthConnection.__init__(self, host,
aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key,
is_secure, port, proxy, proxy_port, proxy_user, proxy_pass,
debug=debug, https_connection_factory=https_connection_factory,
path=path, provider=provider, security_token=security_token,
def _required_auth_capability(self):
return ["hmac-v4"]
def get_vault(self, name):
return GlacierVault(self, name)
def make_request(self, method, path, headers=None, data='', host=None,
auth_path=None, sender=None, override_num_retries=None):
headers = headers or {}
return super(GlacierConnection, self).make_request(method, path, headers, data, host, auth_path, sender, override_num_retries)
class GlacierVault(object):
def __init__(self, connection, name):
self.connection = connection = name
def retrieve_archive(self, archive, sns_topic=None, description=None):
Initiate a archive retrieval job to download the data from an
params = {"Type": "archive-retrieval", "ArchiveId": archive}
if sns_topic is not None:
params["SNSTopic"] = sns_topic
if description is not None:
params["Description"] = description
job = GlacierJob(self, params)
return job
def make_request(self, method, extra_path, headers=None, data=""):
return self.connection.make_request(method, "/-/vaults/%s%s" % (urllib.quote(,extra_path,), headers, data)
def get_job(self, job_id):
return GlacierJob(self, job_id=job_id)
class GlacierJob(object):
def __init__(self, vault, params=None, job_id=None):
self.vault = vault
self.params = params
self.job_id = job_id
def initiate(self):
response = self.vault.make_request("POST", "/jobs", None, json.dumps(self.params))
assert response.status == 202, "Start job expected 202 back (got %s): %r" % (response.status,
self.job_id = response.getheader("x-amz-job-id")
def get_output(self, range_from=None, range_to=None):
headers = {}
if range_from is not None or range_to is not None:
assert range_from is not None and range_to is not None, "If you specify one of range_from or range_to you must specify the other"
headers["Range"] = "bytes %d-%d" % (range_from, range_to)
response = self.vault.make_request("GET", "/jobs/%s/output" % (urllib.quote(self.job_id),))
assert response.status == 200, "Get output expects 200 responses (got %s): %r" % (response.status,
return response
def chunk_hashes(str):
Break up the byte-string into 1MB chunks and return sha256 hashes
for each.
chunk = 1024*1024
chunk_count = int(math.ceil(len(str)/float(chunk)))
chunks = [str[i*chunk:(i+1)*chunk] for i in range(chunk_count)]
return [hashlib.sha256(x).digest() for x in chunks]
def tree_hash(hashes):
Given a hash of each 1MB chunk (from chunk_hashes) this will hash
together adjacent hashes until it ends up with one big one. So a
tree of hashes.
while len(hashes) > 1:
hashes = [hashlib.sha256("".join(h[i:i+1])).digest() for i in range(i,2)]
return hashes[0]
def bytes_to_hex(str):
return ''.join( [ "%02x" % ord( x ) for x in str] ).strip()
class GlacierWriter(object):
Presents a file-like object for writing to a Amazon Glacier
Archive. The data is written using the multi-part upload API.
DEFAULT_PART_SIZE = 128*1024*1024 #128MB
def __init__(self, connection, vault, part_size=DEFAULT_PART_SIZE):
self.part_size = part_size
self.buffer_size = 0
self.uploaded_size = 0
self.buffer = []
self.vault = vault
self.tree_hashes = []
self.archive_location = None
self.closed = False
self.connection = connection
headers = {
"x-amz-part-size": str(self.part_size)
response = self.connection.make_request(
"/-/vaults/%s/multipart-uploads" % (urllib.quote(self.vault),),
assert response.status == 201, "Multipart-start should respond with a 201! (got %s): %r" % (response.status,
self.upload_url = response.getheader("location")
def send_part(self):
buf = "".join(self.buffer)
# Put back any data remaining over the part size into the
# buffer
if len(buf) < self.part_size:
self.buffer = [buf[self.part_size:]]
self.buffer_size = len(self.buffer[0])
self.buffer = []
self.buffer_size = 0
# The part we will send
part = buf[:self.part_size]
# Create a request and sign it
part_tree_hash = tree_hash(chunk_hashes(part))
headers = {
"Content-Range": "bytes %d-%d/*" % (self.uploaded_size, (self.uploaded_size+len(part))-1),
"Content-Length": str(len(part)),
"Content-Type": "application/octet-stream",
"x-amz-sha256-tree-hash": bytes_to_hex(part_tree_hash),
"x-amz-content-sha256": hashlib.sha256(part).hexdigest()
response = self.connection.make_request(
assert response.status == 204, "Multipart upload part should respond with a 204! (got %s): %r" % (response.status,
self.uploaded_size += len(part)
def write(self, str):
assert not self.closed, "Tried to write to a GlacierWriter that is already closed!"
self.buffer_size += len(str)
while self.buffer_size > self.part_size:
def close(self):
if self.closed:
if self.buffer_size > 0:
# Complete the multiplart glacier upload
headers = {
"x-amz-sha256-tree-hash": bytes_to_hex(tree_hash(self.tree_hashes)),
"x-amz-archive-size": str(self.uploaded_size)
response = self.connection.make_request(
assert response.status == 201, "Multipart-complete should respond with a 201! (got %s): %r" % (response.status,
self.archive_id = response.getheader("x-amz-archive-id")
self.closed = True
def get_archive_id(self):
return self.archive_id
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yamatt commented Aug 21, 2012

I tried this out and I got the following error:
boto.exception.NoAuthHandlerFound: No handler was ready to authenticate. 0 handlers were checked. [] Check your credentials

They keys work fine with S3. Am I missing something?

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almost commented Aug 21, 2012

You need the latest Boto from github, that's got the HMAC V4 authentication method that Glacier uses.

pip install --upgrade git+

I should have mentioned that before, sorry!

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yamatt commented Aug 22, 2012

That's great, thanks. I'll try it tonight. Do you have a branch you're working on this in?

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almost commented Aug 22, 2012

Not yet, right now it's just some code that's useful for the project I'm working on. I'm thinking about how best to make it fit in with how the rest of Boto works. The whole "get a writable file object when you upload" thing is just perfect for what I need but it is a bit odd and is the oposite to the way all the other upload parts of Boto work (where you pass in a readable file-like object).

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garnaat commented Aug 22, 2012

This is great. I'm working on a low-level interface that is very close to the API but this would be great to have on top of that to make it easier to use.

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almost commented Aug 23, 2012

Thanks @garnaat, definitely up for combining our work, I've replied to your email.

I just updated the gist with the latest code from my project, downloads now work.

I'll probably sort out exceptions soon, my current reliance on asserts isn't good enough for production I think :)

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almost commented Aug 27, 2012

I now have a branch for this code here:

I've based it on @garnaat's Layer1 code (although I haven't completed replacing all requests with calls to the layer1 yet)

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