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A. Lombarte alombarte

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# Entrypoint with password replacement based on ___PLACEHOLDERS___
# Only works in bash, does not work on sh (e.g.: Alpine)
passwords_to_replace="$(grep -o '___.*___' $FILE_TO_REPLACE | sed 's/___//g' | sort | uniq )"
for pass in $passwords_to_replace; do
if [ "x${!pass}" = 'x' ]; then
echo "[KO] Environment variable '$pass' is not declared and the configuration replacement failed!"
alombarte / Dockerfile
Last active April 22, 2024 02:42
Multi-stage build to compile krakend's flexible configuration
FROM devopsfaith/krakend as builder
ARG ENV=prod
COPY krakend.tmpl .
COPY config .
# Save temporary file to /tmp to avoid permission errors
FC_OUT=/tmp/krakend.json \
FC_PARTIALS="/etc/krakend/partials" \
alombarte / docker-compose.yml
Created June 4, 2020 17:45
Balance two krakend nodes using HAProxy
version: "3"
image: haproxy:1.7
- ".//haproxy.cfg:/usr/local/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg"
- "8080:80"
image: devopsfaith/krakend
alombarte /
Created January 27, 2020 18:47
Retrieve all the JIRA issues between the tag and the previous tag. Optionally surround the issues with the JIRA url to the issues.
# Finds all the strings looking as issues (e.g: ISSUE-123) in the commit log and returns its links
# The issues can optionally be surrounded with a prefix or a suffix to print issue tracker URLS.
# Issues ARE NOT expected to be found in the first position of the commit log (e.g: Merge feature branch 'feature/ISS-123')
# Example (extract issues between v1.2.3 and v1.2.2
# --------
# Input:
# v1.2.3 'http://jira.url/browse/'