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Created June 14, 2017 00:43
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Pattern matching problem
Boyer Moore algorithm
First is my attempt, below is the code provided in the book
Optimize brute force approach using 2 heuristics:
- Looking-Glass: start searches from last character of the
pattern and work backwards
- Character-Jump: During testing of a pattern P, a mismatch
in T[i] = c with corresponding pattern P[k] is handled:
a) if C is not contained in P, shift P completely past i.
b) if c is contained in P shift P until an occurrence of c
gets aligned with T[i]
def find_boyer_moore(T, P):
""" return lowest index of T at which the substring P begins or -1"""
n, m = len(T), len(P)
if m == 0: return 0
last = {} # Using hash table for fast access
for k in range(m):
last[P[k]] = k
i = m - 1 # i index at T, k index at P
k = m - 1 # j index of last occurrence of T[i] in P
while i < n:
if T[i] == P[k]: # if chars are equal
i -= 1 # THIS
k -= 1 # THIS
if k == 0: # THIS
return i # check if Patter is complete THIS
# if j < k (remember k index at P)
# shift i += m - (j+1)
# if j > k
# shift i += m - k
j = last.get(T[i], -1) # -1 if item not there
i += m - (min(k, j+1))
k = m - 1
return -1
def find_boyer_moore2(T, P):
""" return lowest index of T at which the substring P begins or -1"""
n, m = len(T), len(P)
if m == 0: return 0
last = {} # Using hash table for fast access
for k in range(m):
last[P[k]] = k
i = m - 1 # i index at T, k index at P
k = m - 1 # j index of last occurrence of T[i] in P
while i < n:
if T[i] == P[k]: # if chars are equal
if k == 0:
return i # check if Patter is complete
i -= 1 # normal iteration
k -= 1
# if j < k (remember k index at P)
# shift i += m - (j+1)
# if j > k
# shift i += m - k
j = last.get(T[i], -1) # -1 if item not there
i += m - (min(k, j+1))
k = m - 1
return -1
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