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Created May 3, 2020 12:18
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let onUnit = BehaviorRelay(value: "")
let onTotal = BehaviorRelay(value: "")
let onPriceUpdated = BehaviorRelay<ProductPriceEntity?>(value: nil)
let onQuantity = BehaviorRelay(value: 1)
var prices: [ProductPriceEntity] = []
Observable.combineLatest(onUnit, onQuantity).flatMapLatest{[weak self] (unit, qty) -> Observable<Void> in
guard let self = self else { return Observable.just(()) }
let price = self.unitPrices.value[unit]?.filter { price in
let min = price.minCount ?? 1
let max = price.maxCount ?? 1
if max < min {
return min...max ~= qty
return false
//Calculate Item Total
var total = 0
var currency = ""
if let priceData = price, qty >= priceData.minCount ?? 1 && qty <= priceData.maxCount ?? 1{
let cents = priceData.price?.cents ?? 0
currency = priceData.price?.currencyIso ?? ""
total = cents * qty
self.pricePerUnit.accept("\(StringUtils.format(price: cents, currencyCode: currency)) /\(priceData.unit ?? "")")
self.priceBreakDown.accept("\(priceData.minCount ?? 1) - \(priceData.maxCount ?? 1) \(priceData.unit ?? ""): \(StringUtils.format(price: priceData.price?.cents ?? 0, currencyCode: priceData.price?.currencyIso ?? "")) / \(priceData.unit ?? "")")
total = 0
if total == 0 {
self.onTotal.accept(StringUtils.format(price: total, currencyCode: currency))
if let data = price {
return Observable.just(())
}.subscribe(onNext: {[weak self](_) in
}).disposed(by: rx.disposeBag)
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