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Created December 25, 2012 15:40
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package controllers
import play.api._
import play.api.mvc._
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.GetMethod
import models.Purchase
object Paypal extends Controller {
val url = "";
//val url = "";
def ipn = Action(parse.raw) {request =>
request.body.asBytes() match {
case Some(arrBytes) => {
val queryString = new String(arrBytes);"Paypal request: " + queryString)"Verifying request: " + url + queryString)
// for some reason I always get invalid if I use instead...
val client = new HttpClient
val methodGet: GetMethod = new GetMethod(url + queryString)
val response = methodGet.getResponseBodyAsString
if (response.trim != "VERIFIED") {
logAndFail("Couldn't verify paypal call", "Verification response: " + response.trim)
} else {
val res = queryString.split('&') map { str =>
val pair = str.split('=')
if (pair.length == 2)
(pair(0) -> pair(1))
(pair(0) -> "")
} toMap;
if (res.get("payment_status").exists(_ == "Completed")) {
res.get("custom") match {
case Some(custom) => custom.split("_").toList match {
case List("purchase", "id", id) => {
Purchase.getById(id.toLong) match {
case Some(purchase) => {
// here email the purchase receipt or whatever
case None => logAndFail("Could not find purchase in DB")
case _ => throw new RuntimeException("invalid custom payload")
case None => logAndFail("custom var not available")
} else Ok
case None => logAndFail("Couldn't process paypal ipn")
private def logAndFail(msg: String, extraMsg: String = "") = {
Logger.warn(msg + " " + extraMsg)
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ygabo commented Oct 4, 2013

Anyone have this for Java?

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