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Last active February 19, 2025 04:33
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(cl-defun ap/feed-for-url (url &key (prefer 'atom) (all nil))
"Return RSS/ATOM feed URLs for web page at URL."
(cl-flet ((add-protocol (protocol url)
(unless (s-starts-with? protocol url)
(setq url (if (s-starts-with? "//" url)
(concat protocol ":" url)
(concat protocol "://" url))))
(let* ((protocol (second (s-match (rx (group "http" (optional "s")) "://")
(preferred-type (format "application/%s+xml" (symbol-name prefer)))
(html (org-web-tools--get-url url))
(dom (with-temp-buffer
(insert html)
(libxml-parse-html-region (point-min) (point-max))))
(potential-feeds (esxml-query-all "link[rel=alternate]" dom)))
;; Return one or more URLs
(if all
;; Return all URLs
(cl-loop for (tag . (attrs)) in potential-feeds
collect (add-protocol protocol (alist-get 'href attrs)))
;; Return the first URL of preferred type
(cl-loop for (tag . (attrs)) in potential-feeds
when (equal preferred-type (alist-get 'type attrs))
return (add-protocol protocol (alist-get 'href attrs)))))))
;; Use like:
;; (ap/feed-for-url "")
;; (ap/feed-for-url "" :prefer 'rss)
;; (ap/feed-for-url "" :all t)
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