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Last active March 16, 2025 21:50
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Semantic Commit Messages with Emojis

Semantic Commit Messages with Emojis

Commit format: <emoji_type> <commit_type>(<scope>): <subject>. <issue_reference>


:sparkles: feat(Component): Add a new feature. Closes: #
^--------^ ^--^ ^-------^   ^---------------^  ^------^
|          |    |           |                  |
|          |    |           |                  +--> (Optional) Issue reference: if the commit closes or fixes an issue
|          |    |           |
|          |    |           +---------------------> Commit summary
|          |    |
|          |    +---------------------------------> (Optional) Commit scope in the project
|          |
|          +--------------------------------------> Commit type: feat, fix, docs, refactor, test, style, chore, build, perf or ci
+-------------------------------------------------> (Optional) Emoji type. See:

The commit message will be:

feat: Add a new feature

With optional features emoji, scope and issue reference:

✨ feat(Component): Add a new feature. Closes: #..

Commit Message Types

  • feat: introducing a new feature to the codebase
  • fix: fixing a bug in the codebase
  • docs: adding or updating the documentation
  • refactor: refactoring the production code
  • build/conf: changes related to the build system (involving scripts, configurations) and package dependencies
  • test: adding tests (no production code change)
  • ci: changes related to the continuous integration and deployment system
  • style: improving structure/format of the code e.g. missing semi colons (no production code change)
  • chore: updating grunt tasks etc. (no production code change)
  • perf: changes related to backward-compatible performance improvements

Supported Emojis by Commit Message Types

Type Emoji
feat :sparkles:
fix 🐛 :bug:
docs 📝 :memo:
refactor ♻️ :recycle:
build 👷 :construction_worker:
test :white_check_mark:
ci 💚 :green_heart:
style 🎨 :art:
chore 🔧 :wrench:
perf :zap:

Besides the emojis of these commit types, other related emojis can also be used in the commit messages. For example:

:construction_worker: build(Electron): Bump version 7 to 9 :arrow_up:

👷 build(Electron): Bump version 7 to 9 ⬆️

Issue Referencing

Keywords to close an related issue with the commit:

  • close
  • closes
  • closed
  • fix
  • fixes
  • fixed
  • resolve
  • resolves
  • resolved

You can use the phrase: Fixes: #1 or Fixes #1. Once the branch is merged into the default branch, the issue will close.


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