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Last active December 20, 2022 09:46
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// Import Flux date package:
import "date"
// Import Flux dictionary package:
import "dict"
bucket = "mybucket"
// Work with data collected in the past 5 minutes
start = -5m
stop = now()
measurement = "m0"
field = "f0"
// Create a dictionary of kwh measurements
kwh_by_day = [
date.Sunday: 0.05,
date.Monday: 0.03,
date.Tuesday: 0.02,
date.Wednesday: 0.01,
date.Thursday: 0.15,
date.Friday: 0.03,
date.Saturday: 0.07,
// Query from our bucket defined above
// Query from our time range defined above
|> range(start, stop)
// Pull out our measurement and field defined above
|> filter(fn: (r) => r._measurement == measurement and r._field == field)
// For reach row r in the results, get today's day of week, and
// look up the kwh for today
// append a column called cost that multiples the kwh hours and daily cost
// map() documentation:
|> map(fn: (r) => {
day = date.weekDay(t: r._time)
kwh = dict.get(dict: kwh_by_day, key: day, default: 0.0)
return {r with cost: kwh * r._value}
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