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Created July 24, 2023 19:37
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Faces from the world
import processing.sound.*;
String path = "/Users/omaralshaker/Work.nosync/Personal/processingart/faces/";
String facesPath = "/Users/omaralshaker/Work.nosync/Personal/midi/portraits-resized/portraits/";
String facesDataFilePath = "/Users/omaralshaker/Work.nosync/Personal/midi/faces-results/full.json";
Face[] faces = new Face[400];
SoundFile sound;
class Face {
PVector rightEye;
PVector leftEye;
PImage image;
public String name;
public Face(JSONObject obj) {
this.image = loadImage(facesPath + obj.getString("image"));
this.rightEye = this.centerPoint(obj.getJSONArray("right_eye"));
this.leftEye = this.centerPoint(obj.getJSONArray("left_eye")); = obj.getString("image") ;
private PVector centerPoint(JSONArray points) {
float sumX = 0;
float sumY = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) {
sumX += points.getJSONArray(i).getInt(0);
sumY += points.getJSONArray(i).getInt(1);
int x = (int)(sumX / (float)points.size());
int y = (int)(sumY / (float)points.size());
return new PVector(x, y);
Amplitude amp;
int faceIndex = 0;
int bands = 6;
float[] spectrum = new float[bands];
void setup() {
colorMode(RGB, 255);
size(1080, 1920);
amp = new Amplitude(this);
var facesData = loadJSONArray(facesDataFilePath);
int index = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < 400; i++) {
var obj = facesData.getJSONObject(i);
File f = new File(facesPath + obj.getString("image"));
if(f.exists()) {
faces[index++] = new Face(obj);
sound = new SoundFile(this, path + "Grosso.mp3");;
int flipThreshold() {
if(millis() < 12 * 1000) {
return 400;
} if (millis() < 28 * 1000) {
return 300;
} if (millis() < 34 * 1000) {
return 200;
if (millis() > 50 * 1000) {
return 100;
return 300;
PVector lastLeftEyePoint;
PVector lastRightEyePoint;
int requiredEyeGap = 300;
int leftEyeX = 300;
int leftEyeY = 400;
int lastFlip = 0;
float angleX = 0;
float angleY = 0;
void draw() {
if(amp.analyze() > 0.378 && millis() - lastFlip > flipThreshold()) {
leftEyeX = 300 + (int)(sin(angleX) * 300);
leftEyeY = 400 + (int)(sin(angleY) * 400);
angleX += 0.002;
angleY += 0.002;
lastFlip = millis();
var face = faces[faceIndex];
PImage faceImage = face.image;
PVector leftEyePoint = face.leftEye;
PVector rightEyePoint = face.rightEye;
float eyeGap = rightEyePoint.x - leftEyePoint.x;
float resizeNeeded = requiredEyeGap / eyeGap;
float angle = atan((float)(rightEyePoint.y - leftEyePoint.y) / (float)(rightEyePoint.x - leftEyePoint.x));
try {
faceImage.resize((int)((resizeNeeded * (float)faceImage.width)), 0);
} catch(Exception e) {
println("image failed: " + path);
int translationX = (int)(leftEyeX - leftEyePoint.x);
int translationY = (int)(leftEyeY - leftEyePoint.y);
translate(translationX + leftEyePoint.x, translationY + leftEyePoint.y);
int start = millis();
image(faceImage, -leftEyePoint.x, -leftEyePoint.y);
println(, millis() - start);
faces[faceIndex].image = null;
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