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Created May 19, 2015 16:00
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todomvc\tests>mocha allTests.js --no-timeouts --reporter spec "--framework=rivets" "--framework=rivets" "--framework=rivets" "--framework=rivets" "--framework=rivets" "--framework=rivets"
TodoMVC - rivets
When page is initially opened
√ should focus on the todo input field (78ms)
No Todos
√ should hide #main and #footer (155ms)
New Todo
√ should allow me to add todo items (578ms)
√ should clear text input field when an item is added (343ms)
√ should append new items to the bottom of the list (576ms)
√ should trim text input (278ms)
√ should show #main and #footer when items added (309ms)
Mark all as completed
√ should allow me to mark all items as completed (578ms)
√ should allow me to clear the completion state of all items (639ms)
√ complete all checkbox should update state when items are completed / cleared (791ms)
√ should allow me to mark items as complete (607ms)
√ should allow me to un-mark items as complete (576ms)
√ should allow me to edit an item (856ms)
√ should show the remove button on hover
√ should hide other controls when editing (561ms)
√ should save edits on enter (840ms)
√ should save edits on blur (1014ms)
√ should trim entered text (872ms)
√ should remove the item if an empty text string was entered (841ms)
√ should cancel edits on escape (842ms)
√ should display the current number of todo items (374ms)
Clear completed button
√ should display the correct text (498ms)
√ should remove completed items when clicked (731ms)
√ should be hidden when there are no items that are completed (685ms)
√ should persist its data (983ms)
√ should allow me to display active items (700ms)
√ should respect the back button (1029ms)
√ should allow me to display completed items (670ms)
√ should allow me to display all items (889ms)
√ should highlight the currently applied filter (903ms)
30 passing (1m)
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