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Created May 28, 2024 16:13
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Convert *.pdg files and merge it into a PDF using Python
# Remember to install Pillow and ghostscript first
# In Mac, to install GhostScript, run: brew install ghostscript
# In Mac, to install Pillow
# - Cannot handle directory name with space
# - If directory did not contains any *.pdg file, it will throw error (e.g. a directory within a directory)
# Directory Structure
# ./books
# ├── book1
# │ ├── *.pdg
# │ ├── *.pdg
# │ └── *.pdg
# ├── book2
# │ ├── *.pdg
# │ ├── *.pdg
# │ └── *.pdg
# /
from PIL import Image, ImageFile
import os
# Get the list of directory in ./books
files = os.listdir("./books")
# Each directory is a book directory containing a list of *.pdg file
# Rename all *.pdg file to *.jpg file
for file in files:
# Bypass file if it is not a directory
if not os.path.isdir(f"./books/{file}"):
for f in os.listdir(f"./books/{file}"):
if f.endswith(".pdg"):
os.rename(f"./books/{file}/{f}", f"./books/{file}/{f[:-4]}.jpg")
# Read the directory name as book name and
# read all *.jpg files in `data` dir as string, order by file name
dir = f"./books/{file}"
files = sorted([f for f in os.listdir(dir) if f.endswith(".jpg")], key=lambda x: x)
# The logic here is:
# 1. Read first image
# 2. Save it as PDF
# 3. Read remaining images and append it to this PDF file
# 4. Compress the PDF file using ps2pdf command
# 5. Rename the compressed PDF file to original file name
img =, files[0]))"{file}.pdf", "PDF",
append_images=[, f)) for f in files[1:]])
# Use ps2pdf command to compress the PDF file and append _compressed.pdf to the file name
os.system(f"ps2pdf {file}.pdf {file}_compressed.pdf")
# Remove the large file
# Removing _compressed in filename
os.rename(f"{file}_compressed.pdf", f"{file}.pdf")
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