Link from where most of this info came from
Here is a simple tutorial to use Letsencrypt SSL Certs with Subsonic. This is on a Debian Server
keytool complains if your openssl export password is empty. Additionally, Subsonic expects your keystore password to be subsonic.
To the questions asked, subsonic for each i.e.:
Enter Export Password: subsonic
Verifying - Enter Export Password: subsonic
Enter destination keystore password: subsonic
Re-enter new password: subsonic
Enter source keystore password: subsonic
Here's the steps, after you got Certbot installed and your certificate issued:
cd /etc/letsencrypt/live/<domain_name>
cat privkey.pem > subsonic.crt
cat cert.pem >> subsonic.crt
cat chain.pem >> subsonic.crt
openssl pkcs12 -in subsonic.crt -export -out subsonic.pkcs12
keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore subsonic.pkcs12 -destkeystore subsonic.keystore -srcstoretype PKCS12 -srcalias 1 -destalias subsonic
zip /usr/share/subsonic/subsonic-booter-jar-with-dependencies.jar subsonic.keystore
Tell Subsonic to listen for HTTPS, edit /etc/default/subsonic
SUBSONIC_ARGS="--max-memory=512 --context-path=/subsonic --port=8080 --https-port=8443"
Restart subsonic
service subsonic restart
Check if the Java keystore
file made it into the Subsonic jar file:zipinfo /usr/share/subsonic/subsonic-booter-jar-with-dependencies.jar
it should be listed there, and with the correct date of when you updated with with the Let's Encrypt files. If they are not there, then you need to review the steps. If they are there, then are there any error messages on Subsonic's logs? Perhaps you should extractsubsonic.keystore
and review its contents:unzip /usr/share/subsonic/subsonic-booter-jar-with-dependencies.jar subsonic.keystore
keytool -list -storepass subsonic -keystore subsonic.keystore
and see if the Let's Encrypt certificate is there.This is just a warning, you can safely ignore it. Until Sindre updates the Subsonic code to use PKCS12 instead of JKS, we can't convert this either. It's not more or less secure, just a warning. JKS been around for decades and only now folks started to care it is proprietary. When Subsonic code is updated, then we simply skip the step of importing the PKCS12 file we are generating into a JKS. Less work here.