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Created April 23, 2020 07:41
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Roman → Arabic conversion for unlimited numbers
defmodule RomanNumerals do
require Integer
@romans 'IVXLCDM'
@spec numeral(pos_integer()) :: String.t()
def numeral(number, romans \\ @romans) do
fours = fn
<<c, c, c, c>>, [last], _f -> <<c, last>>
<<c, c, c, c>>, [c, next | _], _f -> <<c, next>>
<<next, c, c, c, c>>, [c, next, result | _], _f -> <<c, result>>
<<some, c, c, c, c>>, [c, next | _], _f -> <<some, c, next>>
input, [_ | next], f -> f.(input, next, f)
|> Enum.with_index()
|> Enum.reverse()
|> Enum.reduce({number, []}, fn {c, i}, {number, acc} ->
denominator =
if Integer.is_even(i),
do: :math.pow(10, i / 2),
else: 5 * :math.pow(10, (i - 1) / 2)
rem(number, denominator),
acc ++ List.duplicate(c, div(number, denominator))
|> elem(1)
|> to_string()
|> String.replace(~r/.?(.)\1\1\1/, fn m -> fours.(m, romans, fours) end)
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