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Last active November 10, 2022 07:27
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A code that allows you to use the measures from the ldatuning R package ( for use with keyATM models ( These measures allow you to choose the optimal number of topics to cluster textual data into with the keyATM models by Eshima, Imai, and Sasaki (…
# Adapting the ldatuning functions to keyATM model structure in R
# Code modified by Ana Macanovic (see for contact details)
# Please let me know if you find errors or have suggestions regarding these functions.
# The function metrics_ldatuning below adapts the metrics from the ldatuning
# package ( so they can be used with the output
# of keyATM models ( .
# See this discussion for more details:
# Note that the authors of keyATM models suggest that one does not need to adjust the number of topics
# in these models as long as the model receives a reasonable set of keywords as an input. In that sense,
# this code might not be necessary for fine-tuning keyATM models.
# Please also note that it is not a priori evident that the ldatuning measures could or should be
# used with the keyATM models. Further, I do not guarantee that this code is error free; so please
# use it at your own risk.
#the input is a list of fitted models, e.g.
# models <- list(model_1 = model_a,
# model_2 = model_a2,
# model_3 = model_a3)
#the function also needs an argument with the keyatm data object, e.g.
# dataset_atm <- keyatm_data_a
# Measures as adapted from the ldatuning R package
Griffiths2004 <- function(models) {
# log-likelihoods (remove first burnin stage)
burnin <- 0
logLiks <- lapply(models, function(model) {
# Check to make sure logLiks were kept; if not, value is NaN
if (length(model$model_fit$`Log Likelihood`) == 0) {
message("No logLiks were kept, which is required to use this scoring algorithm. Please regenerate the model using the keep control parameter set to a reasonable value (default = 50).")
} else {
utils::tail(model$model_fit$`Log Likelihood`, n = length(model$model_fit$`Log Likelihood`) - burnin)
# harmonic means for every model
metrics <- sapply(logLiks, function(x) {
# code is a little tricky, see explanation in [Ponweiser2012 p. 36]
# ToDo: add variant without "Rmpfr"
llMed <- stats::median(x)
metric <- as.double(
llMed - log( Rmpfr::mean( exp( -Rmpfr::mpfr(x, prec=2000L) + llMed )))
CaoJuan2009 <- function(models) {
metrics <- sapply(models, function(model) {
# topic-word matrix
m1 <- exp(model$phi)
# pair-wise cosine distance
pairs <- utils::combn(nrow(m1), 2)
cos.dist <- apply(pairs, 2, function(pair) {
x <- m1[pair[1], ]
y <- m1[pair[2], ]
# dist <- lsa::cosine(x, y)
dist <- crossprod(x, y) / sqrt(crossprod(x) * crossprod(y))
# metric
topics_total <- model$keyword_k + model$no_keyword_topics
metric <- sum(cos.dist) / (topics_total*(topics_total-1)/2)
Arun2010 <- function(models, dataset_atm) {
# length of documents (count of words)
len <- lengths(dataset_atm$W_raw)
# evaluate metrics
metrics <- sapply(models, FUN = function(model) {
# matrix M1 topic-word
m1 <- exp(model$phi) # rowSums(m1) == 1
m1.svd <- svd(m1)
cm1 <- as.matrix(m1.svd$d)
# matrix M2 document-topic
m2 <- model$theta # rowSums(m2) == 1
cm2 <- len %*% m2 # crossprod(len, m2)
norm <- norm(as.matrix(len), type="m")
cm2 <- as.vector(cm2 / norm)
# symmetric Kullback-Leibler divergence
divergence <- sum(cm1*log(cm1/cm2)) + sum(cm2*log(cm2/cm1))
return ( divergence )
Deveaud2014 <- function(models) {
metrics <- sapply(models, function(model) {
### original version
# topic-word matrix
m1 <- exp(model$phi)
# prevent NaN
if (any(m1 == 0)) { m1 <- m1 + .Machine$double.xmin }
# pair-wise Jensen-Shannon divergence
pairs <- utils::combn(nrow(m1), 2)
jsd <- apply(pairs, 2, function(pair) {
x <- m1[pair[1], ]
y <- m1[pair[2], ]
### standard Jensen-Shannon divergence
# m <- (x + y) / 2
# jsd <- 0.5 * sum(x*log(x/m)) + 0.5 * sum(y*log(y/m))
### divergence by Deveaud2014
jsd <- 0.5 * sum(x*log(x/y)) + 0.5 * sum(y*log(y/x))
# ### optimized version
# m1 <- model@beta
# m1.e <- exp(model@beta)
# pairs <- utils::combn(nrow(m1), 2)
# jsd <- apply(pairs, 2, function(pair) {
# x <- m1[pair[1], ]
# y <- m1[pair[2], ]
# x.e <- m1.e[pair[1], ]
# y.e <- m1.e[pair[2], ]
# jsd <- ( sum(x.e*(x-y)) + sum(y.e*(y-x)) ) / 2
# return(jsd)
# })
# metric
topics_total <- model$keyword_k + model$no_keyword_topics
metric <- sum(jsd) / (topics_total*(topics_total-1))
# Combining the metrics in a single function:
metrics_ldatuning <- function(models, dataset_atm){
griff2004 <- Griffiths2004(models)
names(griff2004) <- sapply(models, function(model) model$keyword_k + + model$no_keyword_topics)
caojuan2009 <- CaoJuan2009(models)
names(caojuan2009) <- sapply(models, function(model) model$keyword_k + + model$no_keyword_topics)
arun2010 <- Arun2010(models, dataset_atm)
names(arun2010) <- sapply(models, function(model) model$keyword_k + + model$no_keyword_topics)
deveaud2014 <- Deveaud2014(models)
names(deveaud2014) <- sapply(models, function(model) model$keyword_k + + model$no_keyword_topics)
metrics_output <- rbind(griff2004,
metrics_output_keyatm <- data.frame(t(metrics_output))
metrics_output_keyatm <-,
colnames(metrics_output_keyatm) <- c("topics",
# Using the FindTopicsNumber_plot from the ldatuning package, which takes
# the output of the metrics_ldatuning function
FindTopicsNumber_plot <- function(values) {
# Drop models if present, as they won't rescale
if ("LDA_model" %in% names(values)) {
values <- values[!names(values) %in% c("LDA_model")]
# normalize to [0,1]
columns <- base::subset(values, select = 2:ncol(values))
values <- base::data.frame(
base::apply(columns, 2, function(column) {
scales::rescale(column, to = c(0, 1), from = range(column))
# melt
values <- reshape2::melt(values, id.vars = "topics", na.rm = TRUE)
# separate max-arg & min-arg metrics
values$group <- values$variable %in% c("Griffiths2004", "Deveaud2014")
values$group <- base::factor(
levels = c(FALSE, TRUE),
labels = c("minimize", "maximize")
# standart plot
p <- ggplot(values, aes_string(x = "topics", y = "value", group = "variable"))
p <- p + geom_line()
p <- p + geom_point(aes_string(shape = "variable"), size = 3)
p <- p + guides(size = FALSE, shape = guide_legend(title = "metrics:"))
p <- p + scale_x_continuous(breaks = values$topics)
p <- p + labs(x = "number of topics", y = NULL)
# separate in two parts
p <- p + facet_grid(group ~ .)
# style
# p <- p + theme_bw(base_size = 14, base_family = "") %+replace% theme(
p <- p + theme_bw() %+replace% theme(
panel.grid.major.y = element_blank(),
panel.grid.minor.y = element_blank(),
panel.grid.major.x = element_line(colour = "grey70"),
panel.grid.minor.x = element_blank(),
legend.key = element_blank(),
strip.text.y = element_text(angle = 90)
# move strip block to left side
g <- ggplotGrob(p)
g$layout[g$layout$name == "strip-right", c("l", "r")] <- 3
# return(p)
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