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Forked from zhannes/jquery.demo-plugin.js
Created August 1, 2011 20:00
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A cleaner approach to jquery plugins. Separate the code for the plugin's functionality from the assignment into the jQuery namespace. Taken from various articles/presos by Alex Sexton and Paul Irish, and #jquery IRC chats. With enthusiasm for Object.creat
(function( $ ){
A cleaner approach to jquery plugins. Separate the code for the plugin's functionality from
the assignment into the jQuery namespace.
Taken from various articles/presos by Alex Sexton and Paul Irish, and #jquery IRC chats.
With enthusiasm for Object.create() toned down after
Approach 1
Most common. Not so easy on the eyes.
Nested anonymous functions and loops galore
$.fn.fader = function ( options ) {
var opts = $.extend({}, $.fn.pluginname.defaults, options);
if( this.length ) {
return this.each(function(){
if( $(this).find('li').length ){
/* ... more stuff ... */
Approach 2
Detach plugin functionality from plugin definition.
Better, model the plugin's functionality as a **class**
( object, whatevs ). Init one new object for each element
your plugin is acting on.
var Fader = function ( el ){
// ... do some validation
this.$el = el;
Fader.prototype = {
init: function (){},
otherMethod: function (){}
$.fn.fader = function () {
if( !this.length ){ return this; }
return this.each(function(){
new Fader( $(this) );
Approach 2a
Depending on your feelings about Object.create()
vs new F(), define an object literal with methods.
Pass it to Object.create() when iterating
over set of elements.
var Fader2 = {
init: function (){},
otherMethod: function (){}
/* with Object.create */
$.fn.fader2 = function () {
if( !this.length ){ return this; }
return this.each(function(){
var myFader = Object.create( Fader );
myFader.init( $(this) );
Approach 3
Uses options. Completely detach
the plugin definition from the assignment
into the jQuery plugin namespace
var Fader = function ( el, options ){
// validate
this.$el = el;
$.extend( this.options, options );
Fader.prototype = {
init: function (){},
options: {
duration: 1000,
fadeToOpacity: .3
var faderPlugin = function ( options ) {
if( !this.length ){ return this; }
return this.each(function(){
if( options ) {
var myFader = new Fader( $(this), options );
} else {
var myFader = new Fader( $(this) );
// Save the instance of the object in the element's data store
$(this).data('fader', myFader );
$.fn.fader = faderPlugin;
* @class Binds a text value to focus and blur events. Commonly
* used for UI elements like search boxes, text input fields. Useful
* for adding place holder text in browsers that don't support HTML5
* 'placeholder' attribtute.
* @constructor
* Configure your instances
var PlaceholderText = function ( elem, options ) {
if ( !elem ){ return false; }
if ( !options ){ return false; }
/* slim constructor that mostly
calls other methods
// bunch of validations
if ( this.before( elem ) && this.configure( options ) ){
PlaceholderText.prototype = {
options: {},
before: function ( elem ) {
if( elem.jquery /* is jquery object? */ ){
this.$elem = elem;
return true;
} else if( elem.tagName /* is dom element? */ ) {
// make it a jquery object
this.$elem = $(elem);
return true;
} else {
return false;
configure: function ( options ) {
/* only proceed if it's an
* input tag or text area
* */
if ( this.$'input') || this.$'textarea') ){
$.extend( this.options, options );
return true;
} else {
return false;
attachEvents: function () {
this.$elem.bind('blur', $.proxy(this.blurHandler, this) );
this.$elem.bind('focus', $.proxy(this.focusHandler, this) );
blurHandler: function ( e ) {
if( this.$elem.val() === '' ){
this.$elem.val( this.options.text );
focusHandler: function ( e ){
if( this.$elem.val() === this.options.text ){
/* Code that instantiates your 'class' (object), defined above,
* once for each element in jQuery wrapped set
var placeHolderTextPlugin = function ( options ) {
if( !this.length ) { return this; }
return this.each(function () {
var placeHolder = new PlaceholderText( $(this), options );
$(this).data('placeHolderText', placeHolder );
// attach plugin
$.fn.placeHolderText = placeHolderTextPlugin;
// call it like
$(function () {
$('input').placeHolderText({ text: 'Search' });
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