Here's a list of all the people who applied to be on the Modded Minecraft panel sorted alphabetically. Be sure to check out everyone's projects! :)
Also, friendly reminder when voting that this panel is oriented towards PLAYERS (predominantly kids) who may never have heard of or interacted with modded Minecraft. This is not a tech summit.
Having higher technical knowledge or experience doesn't make someone more qualified to represent the modded community at Minecon.
I started taking an interest in modding when a friend showed me a Minecraft mod that sparked it all; The Aether. The first mod I’ve ever played had inspired me to make my own mods. I started meeting people along the way and eventually forming my own group called Modding Legacy. We now strive, as a team and a family, to create new exciting mods that bring interesting ideas that were never seen in a Minecraft mod. We also strive to revive the classic mods of old back into newer Minecraft versions.
Aether Legacy -
Glacidus -
Beta Days -
Blue Skies -
I've always liked doing creative things, and making Minecraft mods was a great outlet to combine that with my other passion: programming.
I'm not a very big name in the community (not even close), but I've done everything from moving blocks (Framez) to crazy pocket redstone logic (SCM, BluePower), advanced rendering and shaders (Portal Gun) and also modelling/texturing, so I think I'd be a good candidate to represent the more esoteric types of content we sometimes find in mods.
Super Circuit Maker -
MCMultiPart -
Framez -
ForgeGradle 3 -
I develop IC2, one of the mods with the longest history in modded minecraft, that is still around.
My story was that before I knew how to write code, I wanted to be part of the mod development process, so I applied as a beta-tester for IC2, got rejected and here I am now as one of the developers.
Industrialcraft 2 -
Mining World Mod -
Backup Mod -
Early in Immersive Engineering's development, its unique style resulted in surprising popularity with the community. The warmth and enthusiasm they showed was inspiring and motivating - allowing the project to grow to what it is now.
I love the community for its innovation, creativity, accessibility and helpfulness. I enjoy how it encourages people to explore, experience new mods or even create their own. I want to support this community and encourage new members to join and grow within. ^_^
Immersive Engineering (with Damien Hazard and Malte) -
Witching Gadgets -
Traveller's Gear -
Aqua Tweaks -
Hello there, my name is Boomflex and I am the PR/Marketing/Social Media person from All the Mods.
As a Modpack team we have gone from having less than 100 downloads on our very first modpack to having multiple packs over 500,000 downloads across different versions.
We have achieved this by building fantastic rapport with influential members of the community, whether it be Content Creators, Mod Developers or the Pack players and curating our packs delicately for those who want to play them.
(All the) All the Mods modpacks -
I've been involved with modded Minecraft for over 7 years. Initially I made a few server plugins, but later moved on to make all sorts of content mods. I currently maintain 57 different Forge mods, and I hold the title of most released mods by a single mod author. All of my projects are Open Source, and currently run a tutorial site and discord community dedicated to helping other people learn how to make mods.
Wawla -
Dark Utilities -
Game Stages -
Modding Minecraft is my hobby and I've got quite a passion for it. I started out as an one-off artist for some obscure mods but the first mod I did art for was Chisel. I'm also one of the current developers and artists for The Twilight Forest.
I like encouraging budding modders to pursue their goals. I also like creating content in mods as well as ideas that inspire people to create new things deriving from said content and ideas.
Chisel -
Twilight Forest -
Shield Parry -
Pocket Blocks -
Do I am Cake? -
Alfheim Dimension mod! (april fools) -
I began modding 6 years ago, teaching myself Java to do so. With the help of ChickenBones I was about to eventually make my first few mods, however I never felt any were good enough to publish. After a hiatus due to real-life, I came back to assist with developing Ender IO while at uni and fell in love with the project. After a few months, I was given the role of developer and now actively am working on new features while also helping new out new modders in the community, just like CB helped me.
Ender IO -
I Started bukkit plugin writing back in minecraft 1.2 - mostly for multiplayer servers I was part of. During 1.6 and later those plugins got much larger and I grew tired of the restrictions on options one had from a server-side-only part. During 1.7 I moved over from plugin writing to forge modding together with makeo. Having seen what others have created during that time, I was determined to live up to their achievements. So here I am today, creating content for a great community.
AstralSorcery -
ModularMachinery -
Mystcraft port to 1.12.2
Gadomancy 1.7.10 TC4 addon (with makeo) -
I am the author of many modpack tools and other mods. I am most known for CraftTweaker which is a powerful tool that allows for aspects of the game to be changed by a modpack. I am also known for mods like Controlling which improves the key-bind menu, and TipTheScales which allow for more precise GUI scale options. I feel that I will be able to bring both aspects of the modded community to the table, both the modding and modpack creation side.
CraftTweaker -
ModTweaker -
Controlling -
TipTheScales -
I started out with modding around the time I was involved with the Aether II project. I was only a server administrator that ran Aether II servers. After a while, I was accepted into the Gilded Games team to work on Aether II along with their other projects for about 3 and a half years. I moved on to help the Modding Legacy team work on the official orignal Aether port to the latest versions of Minecraft and made some amazing friends and have accomplished some great things along the way.
Glacidus -
Aether Legacy -
Aether II -
In all sense of the word I am an administrator, I handle the behind the scenes of Twilight Forest. This means I foster the community around it via Discord & forums, communicate with contributors, write & flesh out our design documents, and keep the team from getting carried too far away from what needs to happen.
Having me on the panel means to learn how modders come together and how important community involvement is, including the behind the scenes process behind it and YOU as the player.
Twilight Forest -
*Added later
I got into Minecraft almost 7 years ago, in 1.2.5. I wasn't quite content with the state of mod interoperability at the time, and some of the tedium involved in setting up automation. So, I made a mod consisting of 6 machines which had new configurations, and pretty slick GUIs - Thermal Expansion 1.0. It's snowballed from there, but the mod has gone on to have a fairly large impact on the overall modded scene. I've also done a fair bit of the work on some of Forge's systems (fluid, energy).
CoFHCore -
Thermal Expansion -
Thermal Series -
My grandmother often reminded me that, as young as 4 years old, I'd tell her I'd be "making games" one day. Come 14, I designed and programmed the most ambitious mod of the time, The Aether. This pushed the envelope of what's possible in MC and ignited the modding craze at the time. Since then, I formed Gilded Games, a studio which is developing Aether II - Highlands and an ambitious procedural generation tool called Orbis. My mission is to form waves and milestones for the modding community.
King's Mods (formally known as Minecraft Advanced) -
Aether 1 -
Orbis API -
I am a Minecraft modder from California. I began modding after watching videos from YouTubers such as Direwolf20, and wanting to be able to create my own mods. My first and largest real modding project was working on rewriting Chisel for the 1.8 update. I have had interactions with various parts of the Minecraft community, and would like a chance to explain to people how to start modding, and my own experiences in the community.
Chisel -
I started modding 6 years ago after a YouTuber by the name of Direwolf20 had shown me the world of modding, and inspired me to create mods myself. I taught myself Java along the way, and therefore know about the challenges and the joy of this journey! As someone who likes explaining stuff to people I would love to tell people about the power of mods, and how people can get into modding themselves!
PneumaticCraft -
Signals -
At the age of 14 I joined the Aether's development team as a concept artist, over the 6 years I've been a part of this project we've grown an amazing community and I've become increasingly involved in the design and production of the mod. Since taking over the lead position at Gilded Games, I've been pushing our community management and creative direction into a bold new age of Dimension mods.
The Aether II -
I started programming in Lua, using ComputerCraft. From there, I started leaning Java to write mods. I broke away to work on Bukkit plugins for a while, but I am back now. This year I participated in ModJam 5, and had a great time, and started work on a large mod that is very much still in development.
Happy Little Mod -
Penguins -
Selim's Backpacks -
Awakening modpack is a highly customised and unique pack that has had many trials and tribulations throughout development. I am also currently working on a new 1.12 version of the pack and can give insight into pack development.
Awakening -
I started off as someone playing modded in late beta, until I decided that I wanted to create a dimension, which lead to me jumping head-first into into development, adding my own content to the game and sharing that. My mods range from dimensions, monsters lurking in the dark, things that are evil because RNG, to Lovecraftian horrors. I might also be the one person who utilizes various Death Metal growling techniques to create the sounds of my mobs.
AbyssalCraft -
The Beneath -
Grue -
Started modding the first time specifically trying to keep compatibility between Better than Wolves and Railcraft, started the second time for RF Carts. Generally just throw together Minecart mods and the occasional mod for pack-maker assistance.
ContentTweaker -
MoarCarts -
SteamCraft 2 -
PackMode -
Multiblock Stages -
Transport -
I started programming back in 2011 because of Minecraft Modding. I've been doing this since then, and it's basically my life at this point. I've authored many highly popular mods, such as Botania or Quark.
Botania -
Quark -
Psi -
Skillable -
Akashic Tome -
Morph-o-Tool -
Thaumic TInkerer (original author) -