Prior to Android 7, the system had a single preferred locale, and fallback behavior was quite rudimentary. Starting with Android 7, the user can now specify a priority list of locales, and fallback behavior is improved.
However, in many cases it is still surprisingly difficult to make full use of locale fallback, and there are some hidden gotchas when trying to fully support both Android 7 and earlier versions.
Assume a user has set the following list of preferred locales:
Assume also that your app provides the following locales:
When running your app on Android 7, this user should see the display in de
because fr-FR
(their first choice) is not provided, and de
(their second
choice) is preferred over en
(their third choice).
On Android 6 or earlier, the app would be displayed in en
: the user could only
specify fr-FR
as the preferred locale, and when not available the system would
fall back to the app default locale.
On Android you can experience an issue I call language resource contamination (or just resource contamination for short). This is where resources for languages you don’t support “leak” into your app, making the system think you support them. When this happens, the fallback mechanism described above fails to work correctly.
I have identified two different kinds of resource contamination:
- Compile-time contamination
- Runtime contamination
If you include the AppCompat v7 library (included by default in new projects created by Android Studio 3.1) or any of the Google Play Services libraries in your app, fallback will almost certainly be broken.
The reason is that these libraries contain resources for a huge number of locales; when building your APK these resources will be merged in, and it will appear to the system that your app supports all of these locales.
Under the initial example scenario, the system will believe that the app
supports fr-FR
when it actually does not supply any fr-FR
versions of its
“own” strings. Thus the display locale will become fr-FR
, but each individual
string will fall back to the default variant, and the app will appear to be
shown in en
The solution to this is to filter your app’s resources, allowing only the
locales that you actually support. You can do this in build.gradle
android {
defaultConfig {
// No need to specify the default locale here
resConfigs 'de', 'es', 'es-rMX', 'b+sr+Latn'
This will ensure that only resources for locales you actually support are included in the APK, allowing the OS to correctly determine the fallback locale at runtime. As a bonus, your APK will be a little bit smaller.
Prior to version 3.1.0 of the Android Gradle Plugin it was possible to specify
resConfigs 'auto'
, where the appropriate locales would be automatically
detected. However this is now deprecated, and you are recommended to manually
list your supported locales.
See also:
- Android Studio: Shrink Your Code and Resources
- A Curious Case of Multiple Locales
- resConfigs documentation
Starting with Android 7, the WebView component is no longer the Android System WebView package, but is actually the Chrome app itself. This has some surprising consequences.
When first instantiating a WebView, the Chrome app will be loaded into your
app’s current Activity. This apparently causes the current Activity’s preferred
locale list to be overwritten with Chrome’s. Chrome supports a large number of
locales, most likely including the user’s top preference. This then creates the
same situation as described earlier, where the Activity’s locale may be set to
e.g. fr-FR
but all strings are displayed in en
. This situation persists even
after removing the WebView.
This issue was reported as issue 218310 but was closed as “WorkingAsIntended” but without a clear, supported fix offered.
One workaround is to fix up the current Activity’s locale immediately after loading the WebView:
WebView webView = (WebView) rootView.findViewById(;
Resources resources = getResources();
Configuration config = resources.getConfiguration();
LocaleList currentLocales = config.getLocales();
if (!isSupportedLocale(currentLocales.get(0))) {
LocaleList supportedLocales = filterUnsupportedLocales(currentLocales);
if (!supportedLocales.isEmpty()) {
// updateConfiguration() is deprecated in SDK 25, but the alternative
// requires restarting the activity, which we don't want to do here.
resources.updateConfiguration(config, resources.getDisplayMetrics());
However, not only is your current Activity affected, but it appears to the
system that the entire application also supports all of Chrome’s locales. After
a configuration change (such as rotating the screen) the user’s top preference
will again be used, and settings like Locale.getDefault()
will be overwritten.
Once your app’s locales are polluted, the only way to maintain correct locales through configuration changes is to wrap your Activity’s base context with overriding values as follows.
protected void attachBaseContext(Context base) {
LocaleList currentLocales = base.getResources().getConfiguration().getLocales();
if (!isSupportedLocale(currentLocales.get(0))) {
LocaleList supportedLocales = filterUnsupportedLocales(currentLocales);
if (!supportedLocales.isEmpty()) {
Configuration config = new Configuration();
base = base.createConfigurationContext(config);
Not defined above are isSupportedLocale()
and filterUnsupportedLocales()
you must implement these yourself. Unfortunately it appears that there is no
official, public API to determine at runtime what locales an app actually
- Locale.getAvailableLocales() returns all locales available to the Java runtime (hundreds)
- LocaleList.getDefault() will include the top user-set locale, even if your app doesn’t support it
- LocaleList.getAdjustedDefault() has the same problem as
- AssetManager.getLocales() returns all locales the instance has data for, which appears to be the locales provided with the OS (150+)
- AssetManager.getNonSystemLocales() returns precisely what we are looking
for! Except it’s marked
so you can only call it by reflection.
You can bite the bullet and call getNonSystemLocales()
by reflection, or you
can do the following.
Above we already added a list of supported locales in order to filter the app’s
resources. We can simply make this list available at runtime as a field in
In build.gradle
ext {
// Include the default language and base languages for runtime use
supportedLocales = ['en', 'de', 'es', 'es-rMX', 'b+sr+Latn']
// Convert Android locale qualifier values to standard identifiers
// - Remove the 'r' before the region
// - Remove the 'b+' prefix on BPC 47 tags
// - Change '+' to '-' in BPC 47 tags
resToLoc = { res -> res.replaceAll(/-r/, '-').replaceAll(/^b\+/, '').replaceAll(/\+/, '-') }
android {
defaultConfig {
resConfigs supportedLocales
buildConfigField "String[]", "LOCALES", '{"' + supportedLocales.collect { resToLoc(it) }.join('","') + '"}'
In the app:
@RequiresApi(api = Build.VERSION_CODES.N)
public LocaleList filterUnsupportedLocales(LocaleList locales) {
List<Locale> filtered = new ArrayList<>(locales.size());
for (int i = 0; i < locales.size(); i++) {
Locale loc = locales.get(i);
if (isSupportedLocale(loc)) {
return new LocaleList(filtered.toArray(new Locale[filtered.size()]));
@RequiresApi(api = Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP)
public boolean isSupportedLocale(Locale locale) {
for (int i = 0; i < BuildConfig.LOCALES.length; i++) {
String loc = BuildConfig.LOCALES[i];
if (loc.equals(locale.getLanguage()) || loc.equals(locale.toLanguageTag())) {
return true;
return false;
See Also:
- StackOverflow: Android - WebView locale changes abruptly on Android N
- Issue 218310: Creating a WebView resets Locale to user defaults
In Android 7 many new locales are supported by default. It can be tricky to support both old locales and new locales correctly in some cases; here I will discuss one I happen to be aware of: Chinese.
Basic background:
- Chinese is written in two different scripts: Simplified and Traditional
- Each Chinese-speaking region generally uses just one script
While ideally one would localize for each region, we will assume here that we have just one resource set for each script.
Prior to Android 7, the following Chinese locales were available:
(Traditional)- In some cases:
A common resource layout scheme to support the above locales while minimizing resource duplication would be:
: Traditionalvalues-zh-rCN
: Simplifiedvalues-zh-rSG
: Simplified
In other words Traditional resources are put at the root, and zh-TW
, zh-HK
and zh-MO
are covered by fallback.
In Android 7, the older language-region locales are gone, replaced by the following:
- The script and region are specified separately
- There are now default locales specifying Simplified script in traditionally
Traditional regions:
Problems using the old scheme in Android 7:
falls back tozh
before any children ofzh
, and thus would appear as Traditional instead of Simplifiedzh-Hans
does not appear to be recognized at all- This indicates a preference for
to be Simplified, not Traditional. However this is not clear from the SDK itself, which has onlyzh-CN
, andzh-TW
falls back tozh-Hant
and then the default, and thus would appear asen
Just zh
and zh-Hant
are sufficient for covering the Android 7 locales, but
we need to maintain support for Android 6 and earlier. Thus the minimal correct
resource layout is now:
: Simplifiedvalues-zh-rTW
: Traditionalvalues-zh-rHK
: Traditionalvalues-zh-rMO
: Traditionalvalues-b+zh+Hans+HK
: Simplifiedvalues-b+zh+Hans+MO
: Simplified
With this we get the desired behavior:
On Android 6 and earlier:
fall back tozh
, andzh-MO
have specific resources (Traditional)
On Android 7:
fall back tozh
, andzh-Hant-MO
fall back to their language-region locales (Traditional)zh-Hans-HK
have specific resources (Simplified)
Locale fallback was a long-awaited feature, but it is extremely hard to use correctly.
It’s hard to see the Chrome resource contamination issue as anything other than a bug; I hope that Google can either fix the issue or provide appropriate guidance.
The merging of dependency resources also seems like it must be a widespread pain point. Filtering out locales not provided by the app itself would seem to be a reasonable default behavior; perhaps this can be considered in the future.
It seems to be fixed on Android V