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Last active February 5, 2023 02:49
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Sample python program to find the gps coordinates
__author__ = 'Amal G Jose'
import time
import serial
import string
from pynmea import nmea
ser = serial.Serial()
# Reading serial data from COM5 port. Change this port according to your settings.
ser.port = "COM5"
ser.baudrate = 9600
ser.timeout = 1
gpgga = nmea.GPGGA()
while True:
data = ser.readline()
if data[0:6] == '$GPGGA':
##method for parsing the sentence
lats = gpgga.latitude
print("Latitude values : " + str(lats))
lat_dir = gpgga.lat_direction
print("Latitude direction : " + str(lat_dir))
longitude = gpgga.longitude
print("Longitude values : " + str(longitude))
long_dir = gpgga.lon_direction
print("Longitude direction : " + str(long_dir))
time_stamp = gpgga.timestamp
print("GPS time stamp : " + str(time_stamp))
alt = gpgga.antenna_altitude
print("Antenna altitude : " + str(alt))
lat_deg = lats[0:2]
lat_mins = lats[2:4]
lat_secs = round(float(lats[5:])*60/10000, 2)
latitude_string = lat_deg + u'\N{DEGREE SIGN}' + lat_mins + string.printable[68] + str(lat_secs) + string.printable[63]
print("Latitude : " + str(latitude_string))
lon_deg = longitude[0:3]
lon_mins = longitude[3:5]
lon_secs = round(float(longitude[6:])*60/10000, 2)
lon_str = lon_deg + u'\N{DEGREE SIGN}' + lon_mins + string.printable[68] + str(lon_secs) + string.printable[63]
print("Longitude : " + str(lon_str))
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