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Created February 1, 2019 23:57
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ES6 cheat sheet by Derek Banas
// ---------- LET ----------
// If you use var then the variable is available
// globally versus let which makes the variable
// available only in the block
// let x = 10;
var x = 10;
document.write("x = " + x + "<br />");
// x is undefined here
document.write("x = " + x + "<br />");
// If you use let in a block with the same name
// it won't effect the value outside of the block
var y = 10
let y = 20
document.write("y = " + y + "<br />");
// ---------- CONST ----------
// You can define constant values that can't change
const PI = 3.14159
// This throws an error
// PI = 2.13
// This won't since the constant is in a block
const PI = 2.13
// ---------- DATA TYPES ----------
// You still don't declare a data type, but instead
// the value defined defines the type being Boolean,
// Number, String, Object, Symbol
document.write(typeof true + "<br />");
document.write(typeof 3.14 + "<br />");
document.write(typeof "string" + "<br />");
document.write(typeof Symbol() + "<br />");
document.write(typeof {a:1} + "<br />");
document.write(typeof [1,2,3] + "<br />");
document.write(typeof undefined + "<br />");
// ---------- STRINGS ----------
// You can use string interpolation using template
// literals
let fName = "Derek";
let lName = "Banas";
document.write(`${fName} ${lName}` + "<br />");
// Calculation in output using template literals
let num1 = 10
let num2 = 5
document.write(`10 * 5 = ${num1 * num2}` + "<br />");
// You can use tagged template literals to modify
// output using a function
// The strings array contains the strings and the
// values array the substitutions
function doMath(strings, ...values) {
if (strings[0] == 'Add'){
document.write(`${values[0]} + ${values[1]} = ${values[0] + values[1]} <br />`);
} else if (strings[0] == 'Sub'){
document.write(`${values[0]} - ${values[1]} = ${values[0] - values[1]} <br />`);
doMath`Add${10} ${20}`;
doMath`Sub${10} ${20}`;
// Iterate over characters
for(let c of fName){
document.write(`${c} <br />`);
// Repeat a string
document.write("Hello ".repeat(3) + "<br />");
// Does a string start with a value
document.write(fName.startsWith("De") + "<br />");
// Does it end with
document.write(fName.endsWith("ek") + "<br />");
// Does it include
document.write(fName.includes("ere") + "<br />");
// Multiline strings
let multilineStr = "This is \
a multiline \
document.write(`${multilineStr} <br />`);
let anothermlstr = `Another
document.write(`${anothermlstr} <br />`);
// ---------- FUNCTIONS ----------
// Default values are defined next to parameters
function getSum(num1 = 1, num2 = 1){
document.write(`${num1} + ${num2} = ${num1+num2}<br />`);
// arguments[] only receives the value passed
document.write(`${arguments[0]} + ${arguments[1]}<br />`)
// Rest parameters, which are preceeded by ...
// become an array
// You can only have 1 rest parameter and it must
// be defined last
function getSumMore(...vals){
let sum = 0;
for(let i = 0, len = vals.length; i < len; i++){
sum += vals[i];
document.write(`The sum is ${sum}<br />`);
// You can also pass arrays
let vals = [1,2,3,4,5];
// Arrow functions define parameters followed
// by the body of the function
let difference = (num1, num2) => num1 - num2;
document.write(`5 - 10 = ${difference(5,10)}<br />`);
// They can contain more then 1 statement
let mult = (num1, num2) => {
let product = num1 * num2;
document.write(`${num1} * ${num2} = ${product}<br />`);
// You can use arrow functions with map, filter and
// map
let valArr = [1,2,3,4,5];
// Reduce applies a function against an accumulator
// to get a single result
let sumVals = valArr.reduce((a, b) => a + b);
document.write(`Sum : ${sumVals}<br />`);
// Filter returns those values that pass the condition
let evens = valArr.filter(v => v % 2 == 0);
document.write(`Evens : ${evens}<br />`);
// Map performs the given action on every item passed
let doubles = => v * 2);
document.write(`Doubles : ${doubles}<br />`);
// ---------- OBJECTS ----------
// You create object literals like this
function createAnimal(name, owner){
return {
// Properties
// Create a method
return `${} is owned by ${this.owner}`
// Objects can contain other objects
address: {
street: '123 Main St',
city: 'Pittsburgh'
var spot = createAnimal("Spot", "Doug");
// Execute method
document.write(`${spot.getInfo()}<br />`);
// Access object in the object
document.write(`${} is at ${spot.address.street}<br />`);
// Get properties and methods of object
document.write(`${Object.getOwnPropertyNames(spot).join(" ")} <br />`);
// You can store values from Objects with destructoring
let { name, owner } = spot;
document.write(`Name : ${name}<br />`);
// Get the inner class value
let { address } = spot
document.write(`Address : ${address.street}<br />`);
// You can destructor arrays as well
let favNums = [2.718, .5772, 4.6692];
let [,,chaos] = favNums;
document.write(`Chaos : ${chaos}<br />`);
// You can use rest items to grab part of an array
let [, ...last2] = favNums;
document.write(`2nd Num : ${last2[0]}<br />`);
// This can be used to switch values
let val1 = 1, val2 = 2;
[val1,val2] = [val2,val1];
document.write(`Val2 : ${val2}<br />`);
// ---------- CLASSES ----------
// Classes now work much like they do in other languages
class Mammal{
this._name = name;
// Getter
get name() {
return this._name;
// Setter
set name(name){
this._name = name;
// Static Mammal creator
static makeMammal(name){
return new Mammal(name);
return `${} is a mammal`;
// Create an object
let monkey = new Mammal("Fred");
// Change name = "Mark";
// Call getter
document.write(`Mammal : ${}<br />`);
// Create Mammal using static function
let chipmunk = Mammal.makeMammal("Chipper");
document.write(`Mammal 2 : ${}<br />`);
// You can inherit properties and methods with extends
class Marsupial extends Mammal{
constructor(name, hasPouch){
// Call the super class constructor
this._hasPouch = hasPouch;
get hasPouch() {
return this._hasPouch;
set hasPouch(hasPouch){
this._hasPouch = hasPouch;
// You can override methods
return `${} is a marsupial`;
let kangaroo = new Marsupial("Paul", true);
document.write(`It is ${kangaroo.hasPouch} that ${} has a pouch<br />`);
// Test overridden method
document.write(`${chipmunk.getInfo()}<br />`);
document.write(`${kangaroo.getInfo()}<br />`);
// You can dynamically inherit from Classes
function getClass(classType){
if (classType == 1) {
return Mammal;
} else {
return Marsupial;
class Koala extends getClass(2){
let carl = new Koala("Carl");
document.write(`${carl.getInfo()}<br />`);
// ---------- SYMBOLS ----------
// A Symbol is like an enumerated type that can be used as
// identifiers and they can't be changed (immutable).
// Create a symbol that is used like a label in an array
// You can provide a description in quotes
let capital = Symbol("State Capital");
let pennsylvania = {};
pennsylvania[capital] = "Harrisburg";
document.write(`Capital of PA : ${pennsylvania[capital]}<br />`);
// Get the description
document.write(`Symbol Capital : ${capital.toString()}<br />`);
// You can share symbols by using symbol.for()
let employNum = Symbol.for("Employee Number");
let bobSmith = {};
bobSmith[employNum] = 10;
let sallyMarks = {};
sallyMarks[employNum] = 11;
document.write(`Bob : ${bobSmith[employNum]}<br />`);
document.write(`Sally : ${sallyMarks[employNum]}<br />`);
// ---------- ARRAYS ----------
// Array.of() is used to create arrays instead of the array
// constructor
let array1 = Array.of(1,2,3);
// Create an object into an array
let array2 = Array.from("word");
// You can use Array.from to manipulate values
let array3 = Array.from(array1, (value) => value * 2);
// Iterate over values
for (let val of array3) document.write(`Array Val : ${val}<br />`);
// ---------- SETS ----------
// A Set is a list of values with no duplicates
var randSet = new Set();
// Check to see if set contains a value
document.write(`Has 10 : ${randSet.has(10)}<br />`);
// Get size of Set
document.write(`Set Size : ${randSet.size}<br />`);
// Delete item from list
// Iterate a Set
for (let val of randSet) document.write(`Set Val : ${val}<br />`);
// ---------- MAPS ----------
// A Map is a collection of key/value pairs
var randMap = new Map();
randMap.set("key1", "Random String");
randMap.set("key2", 10);
// Get values
document.write(`key1 : ${randMap.get("key1")}<br />`);
document.write(`key2 : ${randMap.get("key2")}<br />`);
// Get size
document.write(`Map Size : ${randMap.size}<br />`);
// Iterate Map
randMap.forEach(function(value, key){
document.write(`${key} : ${value}<br />`);
// ---------- PROMISES ----------
// Promises define code that is to be executed later
// Promises either succeed or fail once
// They either are fulfilled, rejected, pending, or settled
// A Promise that is handled immediately
var p1 = Promise.resolve('Resolve Me');
// then takes 2 optional arguments being first a callback
// for a success and another for failure
p1.then((res) => document.write(`${res}<br />`));
// Create a promise that executes after 2 seconds
var p2 = new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
setTimeout(() => resolve('Resolve Me'), 2000);
p2.then((res) => document.write(`${res}<br />`));
// Here I demonstrate how then is used if a promise is
// fulfilled or rejected
let randVal = 18;
var p3 = new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
if (randVal == 6){
resolve("Good Value");
} else {
reject("Bad Value");
p3.then((val) => document.write(`${val}<br />`),
(err) => document.write(`${err}<br />`));
// You should add catch to a chain to handle errors
var p4 = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (randVal <= 17){
throw new Error("Can't Vote"); // Same as a Reject
} else {
resolve("Can Vote");
p4.then((val) => document.write(`${val}<br />`))
.catch((err) => document.write(`${err.message}<br />`));
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