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Created August 29, 2024 20:09
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A Python3 script to create and update GitHub repository deployments
from numbers import Number
import os
import requests
import json
from dotenv import load_dotenv
environments = ["dev", "dev2", "qa", "qa2", "stage", "prod"] # update as needed
deployment_states = ["error", "failure", "inactive", "in_progress", "queued", "pending", "success"]
def get_env_var(env_var):
return os.getenv(env_var)
def get_github_token():
token = get_env_var("GITHUB_API_TOKEN")
if (token is None or token == ""):
raise ValueError("A valid GitHub token is required")
return token
def get_github_repo(endpoint = "deployments"):
owner = get_env_var("GITHUB_REPO_OWNER")
repo = get_env_var("GITHUB_REPO_NAME")
if (owner is None or owner == "" or repo is None or repo == ""):
raise ValueError("A valid GitHub owner and repo is required")
return f"{owner}/{repo}/{endpoint}"
def create_deployment(ref = "main", environment = environments[0], log_url = None, required_contexts = None):
if (ref is None or type(ref) is not str):
print("[ERROR] A deployment ref is required")
return False
if (environment is None or environment not in environments):
print("[ERROR] A valid environment is required from the following list: " + ", ".join(environments))
return False
if (log_url is not None and type(log_url) is not str):
print("[ERROR] A valid log_url is required")
return False
if (required_contexts is not None and type(required_contexts) is not list):
print("[ERROR] A valid list of required contexts is required")
return False
print(f"[INFO] Creating deployment for ref: {ref} in environment: {environment}")
req ="deployments"), headers = {
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Authorization": f"Bearer {get_github_token()}",
"X-GitHub-Api-Version": "2022-11-28"
}, data=json.dumps({
"ref": ref,
"environment": environment,
"description": f"Deployment to {environment}",
"auto_merge": False,
"required_contexts": required_contexts
if (req.status_code != 201):
print(f"[ERROR] Failed to create deployment: {req.text}")
return False
deployment = req.json()
return deployment
print(f"[ERROR] Failed to parse deployment response: {req.text}")
return False
def update_deployment(id, state = "success", environment_url = ""):
if (id is None or not int(id)):
print("[ERROR] A deployment id is required")
return False
if (state is None or state not in deployment_states):
print("[ERROR] A valid state is required from the following list: " + ", ".join(deployment_states))
return False
if (environment_url is not None and type(environment_url) is not str):
print("[ERROR] A valid environment_url is required")
return False
print(f"[INFO] Updating deployment with id: {id}")
req ="deployments/{id}/statuses"), headers = {
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Authorization": f"Bearer {get_github_token()}",
"X-GitHub-Api-Version": "2022-11-28"
}, data=json.dumps({
"state": state,
"description": f"Deployment {state}",
"environment_url": environment_url
if (req.status_code != 201):
print(f"[ERROR] Failed to update deployment: {req.text}")
return False
deployment = req.json()
return deployment
print(f"[ERROR] Failed to parse deployment response: {req.text}")
return False
def handle_create_deployment():
ref = input("Enter the ref for the deployment: ")
environment = input(f"Enter the environment for the deployment ({', '.join(environments)}): ")
log_url = input("Enter the log url for the deployment: ")
result = create_deployment(ref, environment, log_url, [])
if (result):
print(f"[INFO] Deployment created with id: {result['id']}")
retry = input("Would you like to retry? (y/n): ")
if (retry == "y"):
return result
def handle_update_deployment(previous_id = None):
id = input(f"Enter the id of the deployment (Prev: {previous_id if previous_id is not None else 'N/A'}): ")
state = input(f"Enter the state for the deployment ({', '.join(deployment_states)}): ")
environment_url = input("Enter the environment url for the deployment: ")
result = update_deployment(id, state, environment_url)
if (result):
print(f"[INFO] Deployment updated with id: {result['id']}")
retry = input("Would you like to retry? (y/n): ")
if (retry == "y"):
return result
def main():
while True:
previous_id = None
action = input("Choose an action:\n\t1. Create Deployment\n\t2. Update Deployment\n\t3. Exit\n: ")
if (action == "1"):
deployment = handle_create_deployment()
if (deployment and "id" in deployment):
previous_id = deployment["id"]
elif (action == "2"):
elif (action == "3"):
if __name__ == "__main__":
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