// ==UserScript== |
// @name Bitbucket Highlighter |
// @namespace https://github.com/lephuongbg |
// @version 0.11 |
// @description Stop-gap solution for highlighting bitbucket pull request |
// @author You |
// @match https://bitbucket.org/* |
// @grant GM_addStyle |
// @grant GM_getResourceText |
// @require https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/highlight.js/10.3.2/highlight.min.js |
// @resource style https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/highlight.js/10.3.2/styles/default.min.css |
// ==/UserScript== |
(function () { |
'use strict' |
// Support terraform |
hljs.registerLanguage('terraform', hljsDefineTerraform); |
const style = GM_getResourceText('style') |
GM_addStyle(style) |
GM_addStyle(`.hljs {display: inline-block; overflow-x: initial; padding: 0; background: none} pre.hljs.source {display: block;}`) |
// An observer callback to act on DOM changes |
// So that we can automatically detect when the spans for diff view are added |
const callback = function (mutationsList, observer) { |
// Ignore all pages that were not pull requests page |
// We had to @match all pages instead of only pull requests or branch page because Bitbucket is now a SPA app |
if (window.location.pathname.match(/\/[^/]+\/[^/]+\/pull-requests\/\d+/)) { |
highlightPullRequestPage(mutationsList) |
} else if (window.location.pathname.match(/\/[^/]+\/[^/]+\/branch\//)) { |
highlightBranchPage(mutationsList) |
} |
} |
const observer = new MutationObserver(callback) |
const config = { childList: true, subtree: true } |
const toObserveNode = document.getElementById('compare-tabs') // branch page |
|| document.getElementById('root') // PR page |
if (!toObserveNode) return |
observer.observe(toObserveNode, config) |
// Flag that marks that we are highlighting current page |
let highlighting = false |
function highlightPullRequestPage(mutationsList) { |
// Bail early if highlighting is already scheduled |
if (highlighting) return |
// Check if there is an observed diff article DOM node which has been reused in "load files: individually" mode |
let article = mutationsList.find(mutation => mutation.type === 'attributes')?.target |
// Also check if there is any non-highlighted article |
if (!article) { |
article = document.querySelector('article:not([highlighted-for])') |
// this node may be reused so we need to detect that |
article && observer.observe(article, { attributes: true, attributeFilter: ["aria-label"] }) |
} |
// If user clicks on show more button on top/bottom of an article, the highlight in the article will be reset |
if (!article) { |
// Detect if show more button was clicked |
let showMore = mutationsList.find(mutation => mutation.target.classList.contains('show-more-lines-wrapper'))?.target |
// Then find its article |
article = showMore?.closest('article') |
} |
// If there is no article to highlight then bail |
if (!article) { |
return |
} |
// Start scheduling highlighting process |
highlighting = true |
requestIdleCallback(() => { |
highlightArticle(article) |
// Mark that current iteration finishes |
highlighting = false |
// Trigger highlightPullRequestPage again to process any article left |
requestIdleCallback(() => highlightPullRequestPage([])) |
}) |
} |
function highlightArticle(article) { |
// Try to get the extension of the file |
const ext = article.getAttribute('aria-label').match(/\.(\w+)$/)?.[1] |
if (!ext) { |
return |
} else if (ext === 'vue') { |
// allowing hljs to guess the language inside .vue |
article.querySelectorAll('[data-qa=code-line] pre > span:last-child').forEach((node) => { |
hljs.highlightBlock(node) |
}) |
} else if (!hljs.getLanguage(ext)) { |
// quit if this is not a language supported by hljs |
return |
} else { |
// Create a holder to hold all codes from the same file |
let code = document.createElement('code') |
// set the language so hljs do not have to guess |
code.classList.add('language-' + ext) |
// Get all lines from the same file and put it into the holder |
const nodes = article.querySelectorAll('[data-qa=code-line] pre > span:last-child') |
code.textContent = Array.from(nodes).map(node => node.innerText).join('\n') |
// Then highlight the holder |
hljs.highlightBlock(code) |
// After that, split the holder to get the highlighted figments then inject them back |
const highlightedNodes = code.innerHTML.split('\n') |
nodes.forEach((_node, idx) => { |
_node.classList.add('language-' + ext) |
_node.classList.add('hljs') |
_node.innerHTML = highlightedNodes[idx] |
}) |
} |
article.setAttribute('highlighted-for', article.getAttribute('aria-label')) |
} |
function highlightBranchPage(mutationsList) { |
let sourceCodeNode = null |
// Find the source code in newly added nodes |
for (const mutation of mutationsList) { |
for (const addedNode of mutation.addedNodes) { |
if (!addedNode.querySelector?.('pre.source')) continue |
sourceCodeNode = addedNode |
break |
} |
if (sourceCodeNode) break |
} |
if (!sourceCodeNode) return |
for (const section of sourceCodeNode.querySelectorAll('section.bb-udiff')) { |
requestIdleCallback(() => { |
const ext = section.getAttribute('data-path').match(/\.(\w+)$/)?.[1] |
if (!ext) { |
return |
} |
if (ext === 'vue') { |
section.querySelectorAll('pre.source').forEach((node) => hljs.highlightBlock(node)) |
return |
} |
if (!hljs.getLanguage(ext)) { |
// quit if this is not a language supported by hljs |
return |
} |
// Create a holder to hold all codes from the same file |
let code = document.createElement('code') |
// set the language so hljs do not have to guess |
code.classList.add('language-' + ext) |
// Get all lines from the same file and put it into the holder |
const nodes = section.querySelectorAll('pre.source') |
code.textContent = Array.from(nodes).map(node => node.innerText).join('\n') |
// Then highlight the holder |
hljs.highlightBlock(code) |
// After that, split the holder to get the highlighted figments then inject them back |
const highlightedNodes = code.innerHTML.split('\n') |
nodes.forEach((_node, idx) => { |
_node.classList.add('language-' + ext) |
_node.classList.add('hljs') |
_node.innerHTML = highlightedNodes[idx] |
}) |
}) |
} |
} |
// highlightjs/highlightjs-terraform@73b76da/terraform.js |
function hljsDefineTerraform(hljs) { |
var NUMBERS = { |
className: 'number', |
begin: '\\b\\d+(\\.\\d+)?', |
relevance: 0 |
}; |
var STRINGS = { |
className: 'string', |
begin: '"', |
end: '"', |
contains: [{ |
className: 'variable', |
begin: '\\${', |
end: '\\}', |
relevance: 9, |
contains: [{ |
className: 'string', |
begin: '"', |
end: '"' |
}, { |
className: 'meta', |
begin: '[A-Za-z_0-9]*' + '\\(', |
end: '\\)', |
contains: [ |
className: 'string', |
begin: '"', |
end: '"', |
contains: [{ |
className: 'variable', |
begin: '\\${', |
end: '\\}', |
contains: [{ |
className: 'string', |
begin: '"', |
end: '"', |
contains: [{ |
className: 'variable', |
begin: '\\${', |
end: '\\}' |
}] |
}, { |
className: 'meta', |
begin: '[A-Za-z_0-9]*' + '\\(', |
end: '\\)' |
}] |
}] |
}, |
'self'] |
}] |
}] |
}; |
return { |
aliases: ['tf', 'hcl'], |
keywords: 'resource variable provider output locals module data terraform|10', |
literal: 'false true null', |
contains: [ |
hljs.COMMENT('\\#', '$'), |
] |
} |
} |
})() |