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Created October 9, 2022 21:33
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Motion-diffusion to Blender
import numpy as np
import mathutils as mu
import bmesh
import bpy
ndir = "F:\ml\motion-diffusion-model\save\humanml_trans_enc_512\samples_humanml_trans_enc_512_000200000_seed10\\results.npy"
data = np.load(ndir, allow_pickle=True)
motions = data[()]['motion']
print("Frames:", motions.shape[3])
print("Joints:", motions.shape[1])
print("Motions:", len(motions))
assert motions.shape[2] == 3, "Could not find XYZ data"
m_index = 2
print("Prompt:", data[()]['text'][m_index])
joints = []
for i in motions[m_index]:
vectors = []
for pos in range(i.shape[1]):
# Z > X, X > Y, Y > Z
vectors.append(mu.Vector([i[2, pos], i[0, pos], i[1, pos]]))
assert len(joints) == 22
verts = [i[0] for i in joints]
edges = [
(18, 20), (16, 18), (13, 16), (12, 15), (14, 17), (17, 19),
(19, 21), (9, 6), (6, 3), (3, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2),
(1, 4), (2, 5), (4, 7), (7, 10), (5, 8), (8, 11),
bone_names = [
"Hand_L", "Arm_L", "Shoulder_L", "Head", "Shoulder_R", "Arm_R",
"Hand_R", "Chest", "Spine", "Hips", "Hips_L", "Hips_R",
"Thigh_L", "Thigh_R", "Leg_L", "Foot_L", "Leg_R", "Foot_R",
mesh ="bpy_mesh")
obj ="bpy_object", mesh)
col =["Collection"] = obj
#averts = []
#for v in joints:
# averts.extend(v)
#mesh.from_pydata(averts, [], [])
# TODO: Is this really the best way to create armature in Blender?
bpy.ops.object.armature_add(enter_editmode=False, align='WORLD', scale=(1, 1, 1))
print("Armatures:", len(
ature =[-1]
ature_name =
bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT', toggle=False)
ebon = ature.edit_bones
# Clear all existing
for bone in ebon:
for ie, e in enumerate(edges):
b =[ie])
b.head = joints[e[0]][0]
b.tail = joints[e[1]][0]
ature =["Armature"]
apose = ature.pose
# Blender uses Y-axis ref for bone angle calc from head and tail
# Add animation frames
for f in range(len(joints[0])):
for ie, e in enumerate(edges):
b = apose.bones[bone_names[ie]]
jh = joints[e[0]][f]
jt = joints[e[1]][f]
jdif = (jt - jh).normalized()
rto = mu.Vector([0,1,0]).rotation_difference(jdif)
mp = ature.convert_space(pose_bone=b,
matrix=b.matrix, from_space='POSE', to_space='WORLD')
mat_loc = mu.Matrix.Translation(jh)
mp = mat_loc @ rto.to_matrix().to_4x4()
b.matrix = ature.convert_space(pose_bone=b,
matrix=mp, from_space='WORLD', to_space='POSE')
b.keyframe_insert("rotation_quaternion", frame=f)
b.keyframe_insert("location", frame=f)
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