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Created March 6, 2021 09:58
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Ron Garret Python 3 conversion
# - A tiny interpreter for a lisp-like language with full
# lexical closures in Python
# Written by Ron Garret. Contributed to the public domain
# The global environment
# modification 2021 ambi, also public domain
globalenv = {}
# Find the lexical frame where a variable is bound
def findframe(s, env):
if isinstance(env, dict):
return env
if env[0].get(s) != None:
return env[0]
return findframe(s, env[1])
# Set the value of a variable.
def set(s, val, env):
findframe(s, env)[s] = val
# The interpreter proper
class closure:
def __init__(self, env, name, args, body):
self.env = env = name
self.args = args
self.body = body
def __repr__(self):
return "<closure %s (%s) %s %s>" % (, self.args, self.body, self.env)
def apply(self, params):
frame = dict(zip(self.args, params))
frame[] = self
return ev(self.body, [frame, self.env])
class primop:
def __init__(self, op, name=None):
if name == None:
name = op.__name__
if not callable(op):
raise "%s is not callable" % op
self.op = op
globalenv[name] = self
def __repr__(self):
return "<primop %s>" % self.op.__name__
def apply(self, params):
assert len(params) == 2
return self.op(*params)
def ev(l, env):
if type(l) == str:
return findframe(l, env)[l]
elif type(l) == list:
if len(l) == 0:
return l
elif l[0] == "fn":
return closure(env, l[1], l[2], l[3])
elif l[0] == "quote":
return l[1:]
elif l[0] == "cond":
for clause in l[1:]:
if ev(clause[0], env):
return ev(clause[1], env)
return 0
elif len(l) == 3 and l[1] == "=":
set(l[0], ev(l[2], env), env)
l = list(map(lambda x, env=env: ev(x, env), l))
f = l[0].apply
raise "%s is not a function object" % l[0]
return f(l[1:])
return l
# That's it! Now we need a parser because Python doesn't provide one
import re
def parse(s):
return lparse(re.split("(\[|\])|[\\s+|,]", s))
def parseAtom(s):
s = int(s)
except ValueError:
s = float(s)
except ValueError:
return s
def lparse(l):
result = []
rstack = [result]
for item in l:
if item == None or item == "":
elif item == "[":
r1 = []
rstack = [r1] + rstack
elif item == "]":
if rstack == []:
print("Ignoring extra right paren")
rstack = rstack[1:]
if len(rstack) > 1:
print("Providing %s missing right parens" % (len(rstack) - 1))
return result
def evl(s):
return ev(parse(s), globalenv)
# Examples. Note: FN is like LAMBDA except that it takes the name
# of the function as its first argument so it can be printed to help
# in debugging.
import operator as ops
for op in [ops.add, ops.mul, ops.sub, ops.abs, ops.mod]:
primop(ops.truediv, name="div")
def eql(x, y):
return x == y
primop(eql, "==")
evl("[fn foo [x y] [add x y]] 2 3.3")
evl("fact = [fn fact [x] [cond [[== x 0] 1] [1 [mul x [fact [sub x 1]]]]]]")
print(evl("fact 3"))
fib = [fn fib [x] [cond [[== x 0] 1]
[[== x 1] 1]
[1 [add [fib [sub x 1]]
[fib [sub x 2]]]]]]
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