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16:00:21.857290 tick counts ================
16:00:21.857439 tprc sbid = 777924 11.0
16:00:21.857535 tprc uask = 52576 0.7
16:00:21.857628 tprc ulst = 24462 0.3
16:00:21.857719 tprc othr = 1040 0.0
16:00:21.857807 tsize = 3917855 55.3
16:00:21.857892 tstring = 1752066 24.7
16:00:21.857994 tgeneric = 5 0.0
16:00:21.858086 toptcomp = 558019 7.9
16:00:21.858168 ttotal = 7083947 100.0
16:00:21.858249 end ========================
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