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let me know if i need to use any specific perf option
andrew@sherlock:~/dma/odbc_ibm$ perf record node --perf_basic_prof db2-bench-prepare-executeNonQuery.js
WARNING: Kernel address maps (/proc/{kallsyms,modules}) are restricted,
check /proc/sys/kernel/kptr_restrict.
Samples in kernel functions may not be resolved if a suitable vmlinux
file is not found in the buildid cache or in the vmlinux path.
Samples in kernel modules won't be resolved at all.
If some relocation was applied (e.g. kexec) symbols may be misresolved
even with a suitable vmlinux or kallsyms file.
Cannot read kernel map
Couldn't record kernel reference relocation symbol
Symbol resolution may be skewed if relocation was used (e.g. kexec).
Check /proc/kallsyms permission or run as root.
100000 queries issued in 45.216 seconds, 2211/sec : Prepare - ExecuteNonQuery
connection closed
[ perf record: Woken up 47 times to write data ]
[ perf record: Captured and wrote 12.208 MB (315467 samples) ]
andrew@sherlock:~/dma/odbc_ibm$ perf report --stdio
Kernel address maps (/proc/{kallsyms,modules}) were restricted.
Check /proc/sys/kernel/kptr_restrict before running 'perf record'.
As no suitable kallsyms nor vmlinux was found, kernel samples
can't be resolved.
Samples in kernel modules can't be resolved as well.
# To display the header info, please use --header/--header-only options.
# Total Lost Samples: 0
# Samples: 315K of event 'cycles:pp'
# Event count (approx.): 96867149320
# Overhead Command Shared Object Symbol
# ........ ............... .................... ................................................................................................................................................................
28.48% node nodejs [.] 0x000000000088df3b
11.15% node nodejs [.] v8::internal::Heap::MoveElements
5.18% node nodejs [.] 0x000000000088df2c
4.83% node nodejs [.] 0x000000000088df34
4.78% node nodejs [.] 0x000000000088df3f
4.71% node nodejs [.] 0x000000000088df20
2.00% node [.] 0x000000000015f252
1.52% node nodejs [.] 0x000000000088dfd8
1.22% node [.] 0x000000000015f23f
0.51% node [unknown] [k] 0xffffffff8117d87e
0.44% node nodejs [.] 0x000000000088dfd6
0.43% node [.] 0x000000000015f223
0.39% node nodejs [.] 0x000000000088df2a
0.36% node [unknown] [k] 0xffffffff810644d8
0.33% node nodejs [.] 0x000000000088dfbc
0.33% node [.] pthread_mutex_lock
0.32% node nodejs [.] 0x000000000088dfdf
0.32% node nodejs [.] 0x000000000088df64
0.32% node nodejs [.] 0x000000000088df44
0.32% node nodejs [.] 0x000000000088df98
0.31% node [.] 0x000000000015f279
0.31% node nodejs [.] 0x000000000088df6b
0.31% node [.] 0x000000000015f266
0.31% node nodejs [.] 0x000000000088df89
0.31% node nodejs [.] 0x000000000088dfa4
0.30% node nodejs [.] 0x000000000088df5a
0.29% node [unknown] [k] 0xffffffff81840780
0.29% node nodejs [.] 0x000000000088df78
0.28% node nodejs [.] 0x000000000088dfb0
0.27% node [.] 0x000000000015f28d
0.23% node [.] clientCommCallback
0.22% node [unknown] [k] 0xffffffff8117d872
0.21% node nodejs [.] 0x000000000088dfcb
0.20% node [.] sqljcReadHdrAr
0.20% node nodejs [.] v8::internal::Execution::Call
0.19% node nodejs [.] 0x000000000088dfc2
0.18% node [.] pthread_getspecific
0.18% node [.] CLI_sqlCompleteCallback
0.17% node [.] CLI_callbDrdaInput
0.16% node [.] sqlccipcrecv
0.16% node [.] sqljrParseOpnQryRm
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