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Created February 26, 2020 13:19
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ftp_rawlist result parse function
* @param string $row
* @return array
* An assoc with the following properties:
* - name
* - type: one of directory, file, link, unknown
* - size
* - owner
* - group
* - mask: file permission mask as an octal string
* - modified: DateTime object
function parseFileListRow($row)
preg_match('/^(.)(.{9})\s+\S+\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(.{12})\s(.+)$/', $row, $matches);
// The date can be in 2 formats. Month-date hour:minute or Month-date year.
// The dates should always be in the past, but PHP does not do that by
// default for relative dates (without year), so subtract a year if
// necessary.
$date = new DateTime($matches[6]);
if (preg_match('/\d\d:\d\d$/', $matches[6]) && $date > new DateTime) {
$date->modify('-1 year');
return [
'name' => $matches[7],
'type' => [
'd' => 'directory',
'l' => 'link',
'-' => 'file',
][$matches[1]] ?? 'unknown',
'size' => $matches[5],
'owner' => $matches[3],
'group' => $matches[4],
'mask' => base_convert(strtr($matches[2], 'rwx-', '1110'), 2, 8),
'modified' => $date,
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