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Amine amineHorseman

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amineHorseman / gist:161fadea328cdd4f27af8a20ec449f66
Last active January 25, 2025 15:05
Install Chrome, Firefow, and Edge on WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux)
# This gist will show you how to install your favourite browsers on WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux)
# We will install:
## 1. Google Chrome
## 2. Mozilla Firefox
## 3. Microsoft Edge
# Please leave a star on the gist to enhance its visibility
######## [optional] Before we start ########
amineHorseman /
Created August 14, 2018 21:38
Apply a sliding window to an image to extract hog features (python)
from skimage.feature import hog
import numpy as np
image_height = 48
image_width = 48
window_size = 24
window_step = 6
def sliding_hog_windows(image):
hog_vector = []