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Last active December 30, 2024 18:53
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How to configure Home Row Mods with KMonad on macOS


Karabiner and KMonad are great open source software. Don't forget to support the authors and contributors.

If you want to try home row mods on OSX, don't use Karabiner but KMonad. KMonad is harder at the beginning but then it is easier than Karabiner. Creating layers in KMonad is trivial and without drawbacks, while it is impossible in Karabiner without drawbacks.

You need to compile a PR of the project. Install

/Applications/ activate
git clone --recursive
cd kmonad
git checkout Upgrade-DriverKit-VirtualHIDDevice
git submodule update --init
stack build --flag kmonad:dext --extra-include-dirs=c_src/mac/Karabiner-DriverKit-VirtualHIDDevice/include/pqrs/karabiner/driverkit:c_src/mac/Karabiner-DriverKit-VirtualHIDDevice/src/Client/vendor/include

You need to see the virtual keyboard. Try to restart OSX if it doesn't appear. Screenshot of osx


I use KeyCastr to have visual feedback

header image

Skip sudo password

# create a new file for writing - visudo uses the vim editor by default.
# go read about this if you have no idea what is going on.

sudo visudo -f /private/etc/sudoers.d/kmonad

# input the line below into the file you are editing.
#  replace <kmonad> with the path to the kmonad binary (output of: which kmonad).
#  replace <user> with your username (output of: whoami). 
#  replace <hash> with the sha256 hash of the kmonad binary (output of: shasum -a 256 $(which kmonad)).
#   this hash must be updated manually after running brew upgrade.

<user> ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: sha256:<hash> <kmonad>

If it works

If it works, this will be the output

❯ sudo kmonad .kmonad.kbd
driver_loaded 0
driver_version_matched 0
driver_loaded 1
driver_version_matched 1


  1. The european MBP keyboard is not recognized correctly and this symbol (§) makes kmonad quit with this error.
Encountered error in KeySource: [Cannot translate from mac keycode: (7,100)]
kmonad: [Cannot translate from mac keycode: (7,100)]
  1. Suspend breaks kmonad and it needs to be restarted. I keep Activity Monitor around to kill kmonad with the mouse.


input (iokit-name)
output (kext)
;; Comment this if you want unhandled events not to be emitted
fallthrough true
;; Set this to false to disable any command-execution in KMonad
allow-cmd true
;; lmet -> cmd
;; lalt -> option
;; fn -> fn
sft_a (tap-hold-next-release 200 a lsft)
alt_s (tap-hold-next-release 200 s lalt)
ctl_d (tap-hold-next-release 200 d lctl)
met_f (tap-hold-next-release 200 f lmet)
met_j (tap-hold-next-release 200 j rmet)
ctl_k (tap-hold-next-release 200 k rctl)
alt_l (tap-hold-next-release 200 l lalt)
sft_; (tap-hold-next-release 200 ; rsft)
nav (layer-toggle nav)
m_q (around lmet q)
m_w (around lmet w)
m_e (around lmet e)
m_r (around lmet r)
m_t (around lmet t)
m_a (around lmet a)
m_s (around lmet s)
m_d (around lmet d)
m_f (around lmet f)
m_g (around lmet g)
m_z (around lmet z)
m_x (around lmet x)
m_c (around lmet c)
m_v (around lmet v)
m_sp (around lmet space)
sub (layer-toggle sublime)
sm_sp (around lmet P)
f10 f11 f12
tab q w e r t u i o p
caps a s d f g h j k l ;
lsft z x c v b n m , . /
fn lctl lalt lmet space
(deflayer qwerty
mute vold volu
tab q w e r t u i o p
lctrl @sft_a @alt_s @ctl_d @met_f g h @met_j @ctl_k @alt_l @sft_;
lsft z x c v b n m , . /
fn lctl lalt @nav space
(deflayer nav
_ _ _
tab @m_q @m_w @m_e @m_r @m_t { } \( \)
lctrl @m_a @m_s @m_d @m_f @m_g left down up right ;
@sub @m_z @m_x @m_c @m_v b n [ ] < >
fn lctl lalt @nav @m_sp
;; cmd-shift-p
(deflayer sublime
_ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ @sm_sp
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _
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Thanks for the write up! I'm wondering if you would have any idea why the installation will go smoothly but when I try to run the kmonad command I receive the command not found error?

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You probably havent added kmonad to your PATH
At least I needed to do that manually

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@Christensen-John You probably havent added kmonad to your PATH At least I needed to do that manually

Ok, thanks for the tip! I didn't see that information in the install instructions and I'm really knew to this. Would you suggest creating a sym link in usr/local/bin or should I just add a whole new directory to the PATH?

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Either way would just work fine. I am not 100% sure, what the common practice for this is, but I just added it to /usr/local/bin.

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I'm trying to install kmonad on Macbook Pro x86 Ventura 13.6 and followed your excellent instructions but run into this:

 % kmonad
zsh: /usr/local/bin/kmonad: bad interpreter: /sbin/openrc-run: no such file or directory

Could I bother you for a suggestion of what to do next?

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michaelbarrientos commented Jan 7, 2024

There is a fix for bug #2 above, although at the time of writing is still in a pull request. See: kmonad/kmonad#753
A workaround is to fully specify the name of the of the keyboard in defcfg:
(defcfg input (iokit-name "Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad") output (kext) )
Rather than use the potentially outdated (and mostly duplicated) information on this page, I suggest anyone interested in using kmonad instead refer to the official documentation for installation:

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Took a lot of inspiration from your layout man, well done. Works freakin great. Can't wait for this to turn into muscle memory. So much better this way. This should be more widely adopted.

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hugows commented Jun 15, 2024

@devxalted status?

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Hi guys, I'd like to ask whether it's possible that I don't install anything in my mac and use docker to build kmond and use it without any trouble? Anyone has similar experience?

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