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Amirhossein Hosseinpour amirhp-com

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amirhp-com /
Last active November 22, 2024 07:18
How to Push a WordPress Plugin to SVN Using macOS Terminal

How to Push a WordPress Plugin to SVN Using macOS Terminal

This step-by-step guide outlines the process of uploading and tagging a WordPress plugin to the WordPress SVN repository using the macOS Terminal. By following these instructions, you'll learn how to prepare your plugin files, commit changes, and properly tag a new release. Let's dive in!

Steps to Push Your Plugin

1. Install SVN on macOS

amirhp-com / index.php
Last active November 12, 2024 09:19
Add HTML Block Above Elementor Responsive Mobile Menu
* Add HTML Block Above Elementor Responsive Mobile Menu
* This code snippet adds an HTML block above the Elementor mobile menu
* by hooking into the 'wp_nav_menu' action. It checks if the menu slug
* matches 'mobile-menu' and inserts the HTML block with ID '4444' above
* the menu.
* Usage:
amirhp-com / index.php
Last active November 10, 2024 23:52
WooCommerce: Add Custom Greeting Card Field in Checkout
* WooCommerce: Add Custom Greeting Card Field in Checkout
* This code snippet adds a custom textarea field in the WooCommerce checkout page
* for customers to add a personal greeting card message. The message is saved with
* the order, displayed in the admin order edit page, and can be edited by the admin.
* Usage:
amirhp-com / index.php
Last active December 2, 2024 05:31
WooCommerce: Display In-Stock Products First
* WooCommerce: Display In-Stock Products First
* This code snippet reorders products in WooCommerce to show
* in-stock items first, followed by out-of-stock items. It uses
* the 'posts_clauses' filter to modify the default product query.
* Usage:
amirhp-com / method1.php
Last active November 10, 2024 23:57
Fixing SEO Issues in the Woodmart Theme by Converting H3 Tags to P Tags
:: Fixing SEO Issues in the Woodmart Theme by Converting H3 to P
If you’re using the Woodmart theme and notice h3 tags being used
in places where they shouldn’t be (like regular content sections),
it can hurt your SEO. Here’s a quick PHP solution to dynamically
convert those h3 tags with the class wd-entities-title into p tags,
amirhp-com / index.js
Last active November 11, 2024 00:03
Directly Open Print Dialog for a PDF from URL
* Directly Open Print Dialog for a PDF from URL
* Developer:
* Contact: [email protected]
* 1. add following iframe and load pdf into it:
* 2. <iframe id="print_pdf_iframe" src="" frameborder="0"></iframe>
* 3. Then for print button, add print_pdf function as command
amirhp-com / index.php
Last active November 11, 2024 00:04
Generate a Vertical barcode using Picqer/Barcode and Help of PeproDev Ultimate Invoice for mPDF
* Generate a Vertical barcode using Picqer/Barcode and Help of PeproDev Ultimate Invoice for mPDF
try {
global $PeproUltimateInvoice;
$generator = $PeproUltimateInvoice->barcode;
$barcode_text = "123456789";
$barcode = 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' . base64_encode($generator->getBarcode($barcode_text, $generator::TYPE_CODE_128));;
amirhp-com / fix-wc-orders-screen.php
Created July 27, 2024 20:46
Fix WooCommerce Order Screen responsive problem to show full order's details.
Fix WooCommerce Order Screen responsive problem to show full order's details.
Snippet by Amirhp.Com - Tested on WC 9.1.2 & WP 6.6.1
add_action("manage_shop_order_posts_custom_column", "wc_fix_render_column", 10, 2 );
add_action("manage_woocommerce_page_wc-orders_custom_column", "wc_fix_render_column", 10, 2 );
add_action("admin_enqueue_scripts", "wc_fix_admin_styles");
amirhp-com /
Created December 17, 2022 09:33 — forked from Niq1982/
WordPress debugging with XDebug on Flywheel Local & VSCode

Flywheel Local configuration

Flywheel Local has XDebug installed by default if you choose “Custom” instead of “Preferred” when setting up a new local environment. If you don’t know which your current site is running, you can detect it by going to ”Site Setup” tab. If you can change the PHP version there, you have the “Custom” environment running. If not, just export your site, import it back and choose “Custom”.

Now that we have the right environment, remember what PHP version you are running, open the right PHP settings file (for example /Local Sites/my_site/conf/php/7.0.3/php.ini) and add these lines in the [Xdebug] section:


Save the php.ini and restart your site container in Flywheel to apply new settings.