grab the moto-fastboot version of fastboot here
grab the appropriate stock firmware here (tip: you want the one that matches your android build number in settings -> about phone)
unzip this file somewhere and make it easy to run the
command from step 1 -
get your phone into fastboot mode, google it if needed but just power the phone off, hold the down volume key and power button for 3 seconds then let go, should get you there
verify you are ready for flashing:
./moto-fastboot-osx64 devices -- should list a device --
most of the time you just need to flash system and recovery images, so from your unzipped stock firmware files do this:
./moto-fastboot-osx64 flash recovery recovery.img ./moto-fastboot-osx64 flash system system.img
If you take a look at the XML file that came with the SBF package, you can get a good idea for what needs to happen to do a full stock restore. If you follow above, you won't lose any of your data and will be able to flash any OTAs without much difficulty. This also mostly applies to people that haven't flashed any custom ROMs and rather just rooted and may have tweaked a couple things.