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'use strict';
.constant('Config', {
view_dir: 'views/',
API: {
useMocks: true,
fakeDelay: 2000,
protocol: window.location.protocol.split(':')[0],
host: window.location.hostname,
port: String(window.location.port || 80),
path: '/api',
.config(function(Config, $provide) {
//Decorate backend with awesomesauce
if(Config.API.useMocks) $provide.decorator('$httpBackend', angular.mock.e2e.$httpBackendDecorator);
.config(function ($httpProvider, Config) {
if(!Config.API.useMocks) return;
$httpProvider.interceptors.push(function ($q, $timeout, Config, $log) {
return {
'request': function (config) {
$log.log('Requesting ' + config.url, config);
return config;
'response': function (response) {
var deferred = $q.defer();
if(response.config.url.indexOf(Config.view_dir) == 0) return response; //Let through views immideately
//Fake delay on response from APIs and other urls
$log.log('Delaying response with ' + Config.API.fakeDelay + 'ms');
$timeout(function () {
}, Config.API.fakeDelay);
return deferred.promise;
.factory('APIBase', function (Config) {
return (Config.API.protocol + '://' + + ':' + Config.API.port + Config.API.path + '/');
.constant('regexEscape', function regEsc(str) {
//Escape string to be able to use it in a regular expression
return str.replace(/[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g, "\\$&");
.run(function (Config, $httpBackend, $log, APIBase, $timeout, regexEscape) {
//Only load mocks if config says so
if(!Config.API.useMocks) return;
var collectionUrl = APIBaseUrl + 'tags';
var IdRegExp = /[\d\w-_]+$/.toString().slice(1, -1);
var QueryRegExp = /[\d\w-_\.%\s]*$/.toString().slice(1, -1);
var TagRepo = {}; = [
{id: 1, text:'Javascript'},
{id: 2, text:'Angular'},
{id: 3, text:'.NET'},
{id: 4, text:'Java'},
{id: 5, text:'Firebase'},
{id: 6, text:'Ember'}
TagRepo.index = {};
angular.forEach(, function(item, key) {
TagRepo.index[] = item; //Index messages to be able to do efficient lookups on id
//GET tag/
$httpBackend.whenGET(collectionUrl).respond(function(method, url, data, headers) {
$log.log('Intercepted GET to tag', data);
return [200,, {/*headers*/}];
//GET tag/<id>
$httpBackend.whenGET( new RegExp(regexEscape(collectionUrl + '/') + IdRegExp ) ).respond(function(method, url, data, headers) {
$log.log('Intercepted GET to tag/id');
var id = url.match( new RegExp(IdRegExp) )[0];
var Tag = TagRepo.index[id];
if (!Tag) {
return [404, {} , {/*headers*/}];
return [200, Tag, {/*headers*/}];
//POST tag/
$httpBackend.whenPOST(collectionUrl).respond(function(method, url, data, headers) {
$log.log('Intercepted POST to tag', data);
var Tag = angular.fromJson(data); = guid();;
TagRepo.index[] = Tag;
return [200, Tag, {/*headers*/}];
//GET tag/search?q=<query>
$httpBackend.whenGET( new RegExp(regexEscape(collectionUrl + '/search?q=') + QueryRegExp ) ).respond(function(method, url, data, headers) {
$log.log('Intercepted GET to tag/search');
var term = url.match( new RegExp(QueryRegExp) )[0] || '';
var hits = (tag) {
return tag && typeof tag.text == 'string' && tag.text.toLowerCase().indexOf(term.toLowerCase()) >= 0;
return [200, hits, {/*headers*/}];
//PUT tag/<id>
$httpBackend.whenPUT( new RegExp(regexEscape(collectionUrl + '/') + IdRegExp ) ).respond(function(method, url, data, headers) {
$log.log('Intercepted PUT to tag');
var id = url.match( new RegExp(IdRegExp) )[0];
if (!TagRepo.index[id]) {
return [404, {} , {/*headers*/}];
var Tag = TagRepo.index[id] = angular.fromJson(data);
return [200, Tag, {/*headers*/}];
//DELETE tag/<id>
$httpBackend.whenDELETE( new RegExp(regexEscape(collectionUrl + '/') + IdRegExp ) ).respond(function(method, url, data, headers) {
$log.log('Intercepted DELETE to tag');
var id = url.match( new RegExp(IdRegExp) )[0];
var Tag = TagRepo.index[id];
if (!Tag) {
return [404, {} , {/*headers*/}];
delete TagRepo.index[];
var index =;, 1);
return [200, Tag , {/*headers*/}];
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