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Last active June 4, 2020 02:54
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mle <- function(data,start=NULL,eps=10**(-9),logit=FALSE,cov=NULL){
# data: data matrix with
# 1) observed outcome D (0: no; 1: yes)
# 2) observed types at risk for (0: no; 1: yes)
# start: starting vector for the algorithm
# eps: accuracy parameter to stop the algorithm
# logit: logical to indicate whether the logit model is used
# (i.e. correct for a covariate)
# cov: covariate vector to correct for (only if logit=TRUE)
# mle: vector with estimated parameter values
# results: table with results (nr HPV+, MLE, 95% CI, nr lesions, AF)
# cov: p-value for the slope of the logit-model (only if logit=TRUE)
K <- length(data[1,-1]); n <- length(data[,1])
if (is.null(start)){
start <- colSums(data[,-1])/n; start[start==0] <- 0.01; start[start==1] <- 0.99
if (logit){
start <- c(log(start/(1-start)),0)
est <- as.matrix(start)
ll <- numeric(0)
m <- 1; diff1 <- diff2 <- 1
while (max(abs(diff1),abs(diff2))>eps){
ll.m <- log_lik(est[,m],data,logit,cov)
if (((m>1)&&(ll.m$ll<ll[m-1]))||(ll.m$ll=="NaN")){
x0 <- est[,m-1]
ll.0 <- log_lik(x0,data,logit,cov)
ll0 <-ll.0$ll
dir <- ll.0$H.inv%*%ll.0$g
est.n <- line_search(x0,ll0,dir,data,logit,cov)
ll.m <- log_lik(est.n,data,logit,cov)
est <- cbind(est[,-m],est.n)
m <- m-1
} else {
ll <- c(ll,ll.m$ll)
est <- cbind(est,est[,m]-ll.m$H.inv%*%ll.m$g)
if (logit){
est[est[,m+1]<(-15),m+1] <- -15; est[est[,m+1]>10,m+1] <- 10
diff1 <- 1/(1+exp(-est[,m+1]))-1/(1+exp(-est[,m]));
} else {
est[est[,m+1]<=eps*10**(-3),m+1] <- 10**(-5)
est[est[,m+1]>=1-eps*10**(-3),m+1] <- 1-10**(-5)
diff1 <- est[,m+1]-est[,m]
if (m>1){ diff2 <- ll[m]-ll[m-1] }
m <- m+1
ll.m <- log_lik(est[,m-1],data,logit,cov)
se <- sqrt(-diag(ll.m$H.inv))
if (logit) { mle <- c(est[1:K,m-1]-mean(cov)*est[K+1,m-1],est[K+1,m-1])
} else { mle <- est[,m-1] }
if (logit){
a <- mle[1:K]; b <- mle[K+1]; x <- mean(cov)
mle.C <- a+b*x
y1 <- mle.C-qnorm(0.975)*se[-(K+1)]; y2 <- mle.C+qnorm(0.975)*se[-(K+1)]
CI <- cbind(1/(1+exp(-y1)),1/(1+exp(-y2)))
mle.C <- 1/(1+exp(-mle.C))
} else {
CI <- cbind(mle-qnorm(0.975)*se,mle+qnorm(0.975)*se)
CI[CI[,1]<0,1] <- 10**(-5); CI[CI[,2]>1,2] <- 1-10**(-5)
Wald.score <- abs(mle-rep(0,K+logit))/se
p.val <- 2*(1-pnorm(Wald.score))
if (logit) { nr <- colSums(data[,-1])*mle.C
} else { nr <- colSums(data[,-1])*mle }
AF <- nr/sum(nr)
if (logit){
out <- cbind(colSums(data[,-1]),round(mle.C,3),round(CI,3),round(nr,1),round(AF,3))
dimnames(out)[[2]] <- c("#HPV+","MLE","95% CI","","#lesions","AF")
} else {
out <- cbind(colSums(data[,-1]),round(mle,3),round(CI,3),round(nr,1),round(AF,3))
dimnames(out)[[2]] <- c("#HPV+","MLE","95% CI","","#lesions","AF")
log_lik <- function(par,data,logit=FALSE,cov=NULL){
# par: parameter vector to determine the log-likelihood at
# data / logit / cov: as in mle-function
# ll: value of the log-likelihood at par
# g: gradient vector with partial derivative of log-likelihood
# H: Hessian matrix with the second partial derivative of log-likelihood
# H.inv: inverse of H
K <- length(data[1,-1]); N <- length(data[,1])
d <- data[,1]; Y <- data[,-1]
if (logit){ X <- cov-mean(cov) }
if (logit){
pred <- matrix(rep(par[1:K],N),byrow=TRUE,ncol=K)+par[K+1]*X
pi <- 1/(1+exp(-pred))
} else {
pi <- matrix(rep(par,N),byrow=TRUE,ncol=K)
prod <- apply((1-pi)**Y,1,prod)
if (logit){
sum.1 <- apply(1-(1-pi)**Y,1,sum)
sum.2 <- apply((pi**Y)*(1-pi**Y),1,sum)
ll <- sum(d*log(1-prod)+(1-d)*log(prod))
g <- numeric(K+logit); H <- matrix(0,ncol=K+logit,nrow=K+logit)
for (k in 1:K){
ind.k <- which(Y[,k]==1)
if (logit){
g[k] <- sum((d*pi[,k]/(1-prod)-pi[,k])[ind.k])
H[k,k] <- sum((d*pi[,k]*(1-pi[,k]-prod)/(1-prod)**2-pi[,k]*(1-pi[,k]))[ind.k])
H[k,K+1] <- H[K+1,k] <- sum((X*(d*pi[,k]*((1-pi[,k])*(1-prod)-prod*sum.1)/(1-prod)**2
} else {
g[k] <- sum((d*prod/((1-pi[,k])*(1-prod))-(1-d)/(1-pi[,k]))[ind.k])
H[k,k] <- -sum((d*prod**2/((1-prod)**2*(1-pi[,k])**2)+(1-d)/(1-pi[,k])**2)[ind.k])
for (l in min((k+1),K):K){
if (k!=l){
ind.kl<- which((Y[,k]==1)&(Y[,l]==1))
if (logit){
H[k,l] <- H[l,k] <- sum((d*pi[,k]*pi[,l]*prod/(1-prod)**2)[ind.kl])
} else {
H[k,l] <- H[l,k] <- -sum((d*prod**2/((1-prod)**2*(1-pi[,k])*(1-pi[,l])))[ind.kl])
if (logit){
g[K+1] <- sum(X*(d*sum.1/(1-prod)-sum.1))
H[K+1,K+1] <- sum(X**2*(d*((1-prod)*sum.2-prod*sum.1**2)/(1-prod)**2-sum.2))
if (logit){
# invert H via block-inversion for case of "singularity" due to precision
A <- H[1:K,1:K]; B <- H[K+1,1:K]; C <- H[1:K,K+1]; D <- H[K+1,K+1]
A.inv <- solve(A); A.inv_B <- A.inv%*%B; C_A.inv <- C%*%A.inv
L1 <- A.inv + (A.inv_B%*%L4)%*%C_A.inv; L2 <- -A.inv_B%*%L4
L3 <- -L4%*%C_A.inv; L4 <- 1/(D-C%*%A.inv%*%B)
H.inv <- rbind(cbind(L1,L2),cbind(L3,L4))
} else {
H.inv <- solve(H)
line_search <- function(x0, ll0, dir, data, logit=FALSE, cov=NULL) {
# x0: current estimate to start line search algorithm from
# ll0: log-likelihood value at x0
# dir: direction for line search (H**(-1)*g)
# data / logit / cov: as in mle-function
# x.n: new estimate based on line search
lambda <- 1
ll.n <- log_lik(x0,data,logit,cov)
# determine the correction direction
x.d <- x0-0.01*dir;
if (logit) { x.d[x.d>10] <- 10
x.d[-x.d>15] <- -15
} else { x.d[x.d<=0] <- 10**(-5)
x.d[x.d>=1] <- 1-10**(-5) }
ll.d <- log_lik(x.d,data,logit,cov)
if (ll.d$ll<ll.n$ll) {dir <- -dir}
ll.n$ll <- ll.n$ll-1
lambda <- lambda/2
x.n <- x0-lambda*dir;
if (logit){ x.n[x.n>10] <- 10
x.n[-x.n>15] <- -15
} else { x.n[x.n<=0] <- 10**(-5)
x.n[x.n>=1] <- 1-10**(-5) }
ll.n <- log_lik(x.n,data,logit,cov)}
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