I've bought this new controller from 8BitDo and wished to use on linux, to my sadness the controller didn't work out of the box, neither by cable, the 2.4G dongle or bluetooth.
So I've tried a number of solutions and this one from u/GodOfEmus over in the 8bitdo community was the one to work for me:
- Create a new file /etc/udev/rules.d/99-8bitdo-xinput.rules
- Paste this udev rule in there, then save and exit the file:
ACTION=="add", ATTRS{idVendor}=="2dc8", ATTRS{idProduct}=="3106", RUN+="/sbin/modprobe xpad", RUN+="/bin/sh -c 'echo 2dc8 3106 > /sys/bus/usb/drivers/xpad/new_id'"
- Run the following command in a terminal:
sudo udevadm control --reload
- Unplug and replug the controller if it was already plugged in, it might take a second if you have the bluetooth version
It will basically "cheat" the OS to see the controller as an generic xbox device, so sadly no bluetooth nor gyro control if you care about that, but the rumbling is working for me.
Link to the original post:
And link to the comment of u/GodOfEmus with the solution:
Sharing this solution here to spread the word in our community
@catrock31 The where is in the first line comment ; it's a udev rule. On Linux, these are triggered by devices being added to the system - so in this case, it detects the Switch Pro controller "aspect" of the controller (you can see this turn up in the middle of my logs), and loads the
Switch Pro controller driver.And then it sends the controller ID to the driver (here I am just copying what the original poster wrote).
If it worked - you might have to pick a rule depending on which controller you wanted.
Sadly, it doesn't work. Here's the rule from the top post - loads the XBox driver, registers the pad.... then the controller switches itself off. Something must be needed to keep it awake.
Here's what you get when you hook it up on the wire.
Again, both devices are announced, but the controller rapidly switches to the XBox mode. The controller sticks around though, instead of shutting off.
Not all the buttons register - the back paddles and two extra buttons in the middle don't show up.
The wifi mode works fine for me ; as long as I have Steam running when the controller comes online.
Tellingly, there's a little twitch on the vibration motor - I get this when I remove the controller from the dock on Windows as well. There must be some traffic that needs to go back to the controller to tell it that it's been registered, that triggers the twitch. If I have
open when I close Steam, the controller stays alive - until I closejstest-gtk
- then it goes offline again.Given that the controller seems to offer up the Switch Pro mode as an option - regardless of whether it's on wifi or wired USB - it would also seem that if you can "grab" this controller profile instead, you could use it.