Authentication: User can signup/login/logout
Items for sale: User can view lists of items for sale and search by name, filter by price.
Shopping Cart: User can add items to shopping cart and the app remembers it next time you login. User can view all the items in their shopping cart. User can delete items in the shopping cart. Shopping cart uses an integer column to store "state".
Checkout: User can fill in form and submit billing info. After submitting billing info, items in the shopping cart will move to a different "state".
Create a signup page /signup
Add a url/controller/template /signup
/signup has a form, username, email, and password.
"Submit" button posts to /register
/register creates a new user
Create a login page /login
/login shows a form for username and password
"Submit" button posts to /login_user
/login_user uses the code below
Create a new page that is only for logged in users. A members only page. Up to you what you want to show!
If the user is logged in, show the page.
If not, redirect the user to the login page
Create a new url/controller for /logout
When /logout is called, redirect user to the home page
- Add pagination to the items listing page, show 10 items per page
- Add search box to items listing page, search uses GET and query params to generate new page. The search query uses the name and description fields.
- Allow the user to filter items by price. Filter by a range of prices (0-50, 50-100, 100+).
- Create a new Model called Order (This is the shopping cart!)
An order belongs to a user, and has multiple items. A user can have many orders. An order has a status column, which is an integer field:
1 - In shopping cart
2 - Purchased
For any given user, you can only have one order with a status equal to 1.
When a user adds an item to the shopping cart, if there is no order with a status equal to 1, then create a new order for the user.
- Create a new route and view for /cart
/cart shows what items are in that users cart
To show cart, you will need to query for the right order - match the user (request.user) and set a condition where status is equal to one.
Allow user to delete items from the cart
Shows the total price of all items
Allows them to purchase items, purchasing takes the user to payment form at /payments
Update the /item/ template to have a "purchase" button - when clicked, the item is added to the order, and the user is redirected to /cart
Create a new route and template for /payments
Create a form that allows the user to enter billing info
On submit, the order id status changes to purchased (2)
- Choose a ecommerce template
- Add admin page for the administration of the ecommerce website