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Desktop clock by PowerShell + .Net Framework + WPF
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<# : | |
@echo off | |
start /b powershell /windowstyle hidden /nologo /noprofile /command ^ | |
"&{[ScriptBlock]::Create((cat """%~f0""") -join [Char[]]10).Invoke(@(&{$args}%*))}" | |
exit /b | |
#> | |
param( | |
[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] | |
[string]$CultureName, | |
[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] | |
[string]$DarkMode | |
) | |
function Get-ClockXAML { | |
return [xml]@" | |
<Window xmlns = "" | |
xmlns:x="" | |
xmlns:sys="clr-namespace:System;assembly=mscorlib" | |
Background = "#cceed0" | |
Title = "Clock" Width = "640" Height = "480"> | |
<Window.TaskbarItemInfo> | |
<TaskbarItemInfo /> | |
</Window.TaskbarItemInfo> | |
<Grid> | |
<Grid.ColumnDefinitions> | |
<ColumnDefinition /> | |
<ColumnDefinition Width = "Auto" /> | |
<ColumnDefinition /> | |
</Grid.ColumnDefinitions> | |
<Grid.RowDefinitions> | |
<RowDefinition /> | |
<RowDefinition Height = "Auto" /> | |
<RowDefinition Height = "Auto" /> | |
<RowDefinition Height = "Auto" /> | |
<RowDefinition /> | |
</Grid.RowDefinitions> | |
<TextBlock Name = "Label" FontSize = "30" | |
Margin = "16,0,0,0" | |
Grid.Row = "1" Grid.Column = "1" | |
Text = "Current time" /> | |
<TextBlock Name = "Time" FontSize = "144" | |
FontWeight = "Bold" | |
HorizontalAlignment = "Center" | |
VerticalAlignment = "Center" | |
Margin = "5,0,0,0" | |
Grid.Row = "2" Grid.Column = "1" | |
Text = "00:00:00" /> | |
<TextBlock Name = "Date" FontSize = "32" | |
HorizontalAlignment = "Right" | |
Margin = "0,0,16,0" | |
Grid.Row = "3" Grid.Column = "1" | |
Text = "1970-01-01" /> | |
</Grid> | |
</Window> | |
"@ | |
} | |
function Add-Dependancies { | |
$Drawing_Assembly = "System.Drawing" | |
if ($host.version -ge "7.0") { | |
$Drawing_Assembly += ".Common" | |
} | |
$Signature = @{ | |
Namespace = "WinAPI" | |
Name = "Utils" | |
Language = "CSharp" | |
UsingNamespace = "System.Runtime", "System.IO", "System.Text", "System.Drawing", "System.Globalization" | |
ReferencedAssemblies = $Drawing_Assembly | |
ErrorAction = "Stop" | |
WarningAction = "Ignore" | |
MemberDefinition = @" | |
[DllImport("user32.dll")] | |
internal static extern bool ShowWindow(IntPtr handle, int state); | |
[DllImport("shell32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true, BestFitMapping = false, ThrowOnUnmappableChar = true)] | |
internal static extern int ExtractIconEx(string sFile, int iIndex, out IntPtr piLargeVersion, out IntPtr piSmallVersion, int amountIcons); | |
public static void HideConsole(IntPtr handle) { | |
ShowWindow(handle, 0); | |
} | |
public static Icon ExtractIcon(string file, int number, bool largeIcon) { | |
IntPtr large, small; | |
ExtractIconEx(file, number, out large, out small, 1); | |
try { | |
return Icon.FromHandle(largeIcon ? large : small); | |
} catch { | |
return null; | |
} | |
} | |
"@ | |
} | |
if (!("WinAPI.Utils" -as [type])) { | |
Add-Type @Signature | |
} | |
Add-Type -AssemblyName PresentationFramework | |
} | |
function ConvertTo-ImageSource { | |
[CmdletBinding()] | |
Param( | |
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] | |
[System.Drawing.Icon]$Icon | |
) | |
Process { | |
foreach ($i in $Icon) { | |
[System.Windows.Interop.Imaging]::CreateBitmapSourceFromHIcon( | |
$i.Handle, | |
(New-Object System.Windows.Int32Rect -Args 0,0,$i.Width, $i.Height), | |
[System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapSizeOptions]::FromEmptyOptions() | |
) | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
function Set-ToFullScreen { | |
param ( | |
[Parameter(Mandatory)][Object]$Window | |
) | |
$Window.ResizeMode = "NoResize" | |
$Window.WindowStyle = "None" | |
$Window.WindowState = "Maximized" | |
} | |
function Set-ToWindowed { | |
param ( | |
[Parameter(Mandatory)][Object]$Window | |
) | |
$Window.ResizeMode = "CanResize" | |
$Window.WindowStyle = "SingleBorderWindow" | |
$Window.WindowState = "Normal" | |
} | |
function Start-Clock { | |
param ( | |
[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][Object]$Culture, | |
[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][string]$DarkMode | |
) | |
try { | |
[Console]::OutputEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8 | |
} catch {} | |
Add-Dependancies | |
# [WinAPI.Utils]::HideConsole(([System.Diagnostics.Process]::GetCurrentProcess() | Get-Process).MainWindowHandle) | |
$ClockXAML = Get-ClockXAML | |
$Clock = [Windows.Markup.XamlReader]::Load((New-Object System.Xml.XmlNodeReader $ClockXAML)) | |
$ClockXAML.SelectNodes("//*[@Name]") | ForEach-Object { | |
Set-Variable -Name "Clock_$($_.Name)" -Value $Clock.FindName($_.Name) -Scope Script | |
} | |
$WinVer = [System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version | |
if ($Winver -ge [System.Version]"10.0.22000") { | |
$IconIndex = 249 | |
} else { | |
$IconIndex = 265 | |
} | |
$bitmap = [WinAPI.Utils]::ExtractIcon("shell32.dll", $IconIndex, $true) | ConvertTo-ImageSource | |
$Clock.Icon = $bitmap | |
$Clock.TaskbarItemInfo.Overlay = $bitmap | |
$Clock.TaskbarItemInfo.Description = $Clock.Title | |
$MouseDownPoint = $null | |
$DayFormat = " dddd" | |
Switch -Regex ($Culture.Name) { | |
"de|de-DE" { | |
$Clock_Label.Text = "Aktuelle zeit" | |
$DayFormat = "" | |
} | |
"en|en-GB|en-HK|en-MO|en-US" { | |
$Clock_Time.FontSize = "96" | |
$DayFormat = "" | |
} | |
"fr|fr-FR" { | |
$Clock_Label.Text = "Heure actuelle" | |
$DayFormat = "" | |
} | |
"ja|ja-JP" { | |
$Clock_Label.Text = "$([char]0x73fe)$([char]0x5728)$([char]0x6642)$([char]0x523b)" | |
} | |
"ru|ru-RU" { | |
$Clock_Label.Text = "$([char]0x0422)$([char]0x043e)$([char]0x0447)$([char]0x043d)$([char]0x043e)$([char]0x0435) $([char]0x0432)$([char]0x0440)$([char]0x0435)$([char]0x043c)$([char]0x044f)" | |
} | |
"zh|zh-CHS|zh-CN|zh-Hans|zh-Hans-HK|zh-Hans-MO|zh-SG" { | |
$Clock_Label.Text = "$([char]0x5f53)$([char]0x524d)$([char]0x65f6)$([char]0x95f4)" | |
} | |
"zh-CHT|zh-Hant|zh-HK|zh-MO|zh-TW" { | |
$Clock_Label.Text = "$([char]0x7576)$([char]0x524d)$([char]0x6642)$([char]0x9593)" | |
} | |
} | |
Switch -Regex ($DarkMode) { | |
"^[DTYdty]" { | |
$Clock.Background = "Black" | |
$Clock_Label.Foreground = "#cceed0" | |
$Clock_Time.Foreground = "#cceed0" | |
$Clock_Date.Foreground = "#cceed0" | |
} | |
} | |
$Clock.Add_KeyDown({ | |
param ( | |
[Parameter(Mandatory)][Object]$sender, | |
[Parameter(Mandatory)][Windows.Input.KeyEventArgs]$e | |
) | |
if ($e.Key -eq "Escape") { | |
if ($Clock.WindowStyle -ne "SingleBorderWindow") { | |
Set-ToWindowed $Clock | |
} else { | |
$Clock.Close() | |
} | |
} | |
if ($e.Key -eq "F11") { | |
if ($Clock.WindowStyle -ne "SingleBorderWindow") { | |
Set-ToWindowed $Clock | |
} else { | |
Set-ToFullScreen $Clock | |
} | |
} | |
}) | |
$Clock.Add_MouseDoubleClick({ | |
param ( | |
[Parameter(Mandatory)][Object]$sender, | |
[Parameter(Mandatory)][Windows.Input.MouseEventArgs]$e | |
) | |
if ($e.LeftButton -ne 1) { | |
return | |
} | |
if ($Clock.WindowStyle -ne "SingleBorderWindow") { | |
Set-ToWindowed $Clock | |
} else { | |
Set-ToFullScreen $Clock | |
} | |
}) | |
$Clock.Add_MouseLeftButtonDown({ | |
param ( | |
[Parameter(Mandatory)][Object]$sender, | |
[Parameter(Mandatory)][Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventArgs]$e | |
) | |
if ($e.ClickCount -ne 1) { | |
return | |
} | |
$MouseDownPoint = $Clock.PointToScreen($e.GetPosition($Clock)) | |
}) | |
$Clock.Add_MouseMove({ | |
param ( | |
[Parameter(Mandatory)][Object]$sender, | |
[Parameter(Mandatory)][Windows.Input.MouseEventArgs]$e | |
) | |
if ($e.LeftButton -ne [System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonState]::Pressed) { | |
return | |
} | |
$MouseCurrentPoint = $Clock.PointToScreen($e.GetPosition($Clock)) | |
$xDrag = [System.Math]::Abs($MouseCurrentPoint.X - $MouseDownPoint.X) -ge [System.Windows.SystemParameters]::MinimumHorizontalDragDistance | |
$yDrag = [System.Math]::Abs($MouseCurrentPoint.Y - $MouseDownPoint.Y) -ge [System.Windows.SystemParameters]::MinimumVerticalDragDistance | |
if ($xDrag -or $yDrag) { | |
$Clock.DragMove() | |
} | |
}) | |
$dispatcherTimer = [System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherTimer]::new() | |
$dispatcherTimer.Interval = [timespan]::FromSeconds(0.1) | |
$dispatcherTimer.Add_Tick({ | |
$Clock.Title = Get-Date -Format $Culture.DateTimeFormat.ShortTimePattern | |
$Clock_Time.Text = Get-Date -Format $Culture.DateTimeFormat.LongTimePattern | |
$Clock_Date.Text = Get-Date -Format "$($Culture.DateTimeFormat.LongDatePattern)$DayFormat" | |
}) | |
$Clock.Add_Loaded({ | |
$Clock.Activate() | |
$dispatcherTimer.Start() | |
}) | |
$Clock.ShowDialog() | Out-Null | |
Get-Variable Location | |
} | |
function Set-ThreadCulture { | |
param ( | |
[Parameter(Mandatory)] | |
[System.Globalization.CultureInfo]$CultureInfo | |
) | |
[System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = $CultureInfo | |
[System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = $CultureInfo | |
} | |
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($CultureName)) { | |
$CultureName = (Get-Culture).Name | |
} | |
try { | |
$CultureInfo = [System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::GetCultureInfo($CultureName) | |
} | |
catch { | |
$DarkMode = $CultureName | |
$CultureName = (Get-Culture).Name | |
$CultureInfo = [System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::GetCultureInfo($CultureName) | |
} | |
Set-ThreadCulture $CultureInfo | |
Start-Clock -Culture $CultureInfo -DarkMode $DarkMode |
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