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Aaron Ponce amponce

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"questions": {
"hasRepayments": true,
"hasCreditCardBills": true,
"hasRecreationalVehicle": true,
"hasVehicle": true,
"hasRealEstate": true,
"spouseHasBenefits": true,
"isMarried": true,
"hasDependents": "2",
"personalIdentification": {
"ssn": "3018",
"fileNumber": "3018",
"fsrReason": "Waiver"
"personalData": {
"veteranFullName": {
"first": "Travis",
"middle": "D",
21:56:06 web.1 | I am PARAMS!!!! {"personal_identification"=>{"ssn"=>"3018", "file_number"=>"3018", "fsr_reason"=>""}, "personal_data"=>{"veteran_full_name"=>{"first"=>"Travis", "middle"=>"D", "last"=>"Jones"}, "address"=>{"addressline_one"=>"1200 Park Ave", "addressline_two"=>"c/o Pixar", "addressline_three"=>"", "city"=>"Emeryville", "state_or_province"=>"CA", "zip_or_postal_code"=>"94608", "country_name"=>"US"}, "telephone_number"=>"(510) 922-4444", "date_of_birth"=>"09/06/1950", "married"=>false, "spouse_full_name"=>{"first"=>"", "middle"=>"", "last"=>""}, "ages_of_other_dependents"=>[], "employment_history"=>[{"veteran_or_spouse"=>"VETERAN", "occupation_name"=>"Full time", "from"=>"01/2020", "to"=>"", "present"=>true, "employer_name"=>"Testing", "employer_address"=>{"addressline_one"=>"", "addressline_two"=>"", "addressline_three"=>"", "city"=>"", "state_or_province"=>"", "zip_or_postal_code"=>"", "country_name"=>""}}]}, "income"=>[{"veteran_or_spouse"=>"VETERAN", "monthly_gross_salary"=>"5366.66", "ded
amponce / transactionDetails.json
Created June 20, 2024 21:04
Transaction details
"debtDetails": {
"type": "Post-9/11 GI Bill debt for books and supplies",
"status": "fully paid off",
"currentBalance": "$0.00",
"originalOverpayment": "$200.00",
"totalPaid": "$230.00",
"totalFeesInterest": "$30.00",
"lastPaymentDate": "June 8, 2020",
"nextPaymentDue": "N/A"
amponce /
Last active April 10, 2024 20:48
Find EventRecords
File Path Event Name Additional Properties
src/applications/combined-debt-portal/combined/routes.jsx cta-link-click-enter-mcp { }
src/applications/combined-debt-portal/combined/routes.jsx cta-link-click-enter-ltr { }
amponce / efsr-5655.cypress.spec.js
Created February 14, 2024 21:42
EFSR Cypress
// add data
amponce /
Last active November 30, 2023 20:54
Frontend Guide to Argo


Access the Argo CD Dashboard for Deployment Management:

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Find the vets-api-web node and start the Rails console with:

amponce / geographicMeansThreshold.js
Last active November 13, 2023 20:36
* @fileoverview This module provides functionality to retrieve GMT (Geographical Mean Test) thresholds.
* It supports fetching data from production, staging, or using mock data based on configuration toggles.
import * as Sentry from '@sentry/browser';
import { apiRequest } from 'platform/utilities/api';
import environment from 'platform/utilities/environment';
// Constants used for calculating thresholds
const data = {
expenses: {
expenseRecords: [
{ name: 'Rent', amount: '2000' },
{ name: "Renter's or home insurance", amount: '34' },
{ name: 'Mortgage payment', amount: '435' },
{ name: 'Property tax', amount: '345' },
creditCardBills: [
"view:combinedFinancialStatusReport": true,
"view:enhancedFinancialStatusReport": true,
"otherExpenses": [
"name": "Clothing",
"amount": "10"
"name": "Food",