% animation params |
periods = 2; % how many full-period rotations to do |
num_steps = 150 * periods; % number of animation steps per period |
% circles |
freq = [1 3 5 7]; % frequency of each sine function (rotation speed) |
r = 4./(freq*pi); % radii of circles (amplitude of sines) |
K = numel(freq); % number of circles |
R = max(r); % maximum radius |
bounds = ceil(sum(r)); % offset the circles to left of origin |
% circles points (co-centric) |
t = linspace(0, 2*pi, 50).'; % NPTS=50 |
x = bsxfun(@times, r, cos(t)); |
y = bsxfun(@times, r, sin(t)); |
% add center (so that the radius line is drawn) |
x = x([1 1:end],:); x(1,:) = 0; |
y = y([1 1:end],:); y(1,:) = 0; |
% circle points in homogeneous form (one slice per circle) |
% (size = 4 x NUMPTS x K) |
pts = cat(2, reshape(x,[],1,K), reshape(y,[],1,K)); |
pts(:,3,:) = 0; % z=0 |
pts(:,4,:) = 1; % w=1 |
pts = permute(pts, [2 1 3]); % transpose |
% PLOT: open wide figure |
pos = get(groot, 'DefaultFigurePosition'); |
hFig = figure('Position',pos .* [1 1 1.5 0.9]); |
movegui(hFig, 'center') |
% PLOT: circles with radius lines (initially untransformed and all centered |
% on origin), then translate circles to the left |
hCircles = line(x, y, 'LineWidth',2); |
hTr = hgtransform('Matrix',makehgtform('translate',[-bounds 0 0])); |
set(hCircles, 'Parent',hTr) |
line([0 0], [-bounds bounds], 'Color','k') % plot y=0 axis |
grid on, box on |
axis equal |
axis([-2*bounds ceil(2*pi*periods) -bounds bounds]) |
xlabel('Angle \theta') |
ax = gca; |
ax.XTick = ax.XTick(ax.XTick >= 0); % start x-ticks at zero |
% PLOT: trace path from smallest circle |
hPath = animatedline('Color',hCircles(end).Color, 'LineStyle','-', ... |
'MaximumNumPoints',ceil(num_steps/periods)+1, 'Parent',hTr); |
% PLOT: connecting line between trace and curve |
hLine = line(nan, nan, 'Color',[0.5 0.5 0.5], ... |
'LineStyle','-', 'Marker','.', 'MarkerSize',10); |
% PLOT: resulting Fourier series (sum of harmonics) |
xx = linspace(0, 2*pi*periods, num_steps); % X-periods in N-steps |
yy = nan(size(xx)); |
hCurve = line(xx, yy, 'Color','m'); |
labels = cellstr(strcat('4sin(', num2str(freq(:)), '\theta)/', num2str(freq(:)), '\pi')); |
legend(hCurve, strjoin(labels,' + '), ... |
'Orientation','Horizontal', 'Location','SouthOutside') |
% GIF |
%{ |
% gifsicle --colors 256 --careful --delay=5 --optimize --crop 90,30+675x300 -o out2_.gif out2.gif |
[im,map] = rgb2ind(frame2im(getframe(hFig)), 256); |
imwrite(im, map, 'out2.gif', 'gif', 'DelayTime',0.1, 'LoopCount',Inf); |
%} |
% animation |
theta = zeros(1,K); % current rotation angles for each circle (in radians) |
step = (2*pi*periods).*freq/num_steps; % step sizes for each circle |
for i=1:num_steps+1 |
% break if figure is closed |
if ~isgraphics(hFig), break; end |
% compute and store transformation matrices (translations and rotations) |
tt = [theta(1) diff(theta)]; |
Tx = cell(1,K); |
Rz = cell(1,K); |
for k=1:K |
Tx{k} = makehgtform('translate',[r(k) 0 0]); |
Rz{k} = makehgtform('zrotate',tt(k)); |
end |
% for each circle |
for k=1:K |
% chain of transformations |
T = Rz{1}; |
for j=1:k-1 |
T = T * Tx{j} * Rz{j+1}; |
end |
% apply combined transform on k-th circle |
pt = T * pts(:,:,k); |
pt = pt(1:2,:); % extract x/y coords from homogeneous form |
% update k-th circle |
set(hCircles(k), 'XData',pt(1,:), 'YData',pt(2,:)) |
end |
% update trace line |
pt = pt(:,2); % take first point from last circle (skipping the center) |
addpoints(hPath, pt(1), pt(2)) |
% update curve line |
yy = [pt(2) yy(1:end-1)]; % prepend point, and rollover |
set(hCurve, 'YData',yy) % or fliplr(yy) |
% update connecting horizontal line |
set(hLine, 'XData',[pt(1)-bounds; 0], 'YData',[pt(2); pt(2)]) |
% refresh plot |
pause(0.02) % drawnow |
% GIF |
%{ |
[im,map] = rgb2ind(frame2im(getframe(hFig)), 256); |
imwrite(im, map, 'out2.gif', 'gif', 'DelayTime',0.1, 'WriteMode','append'); |
%} |
% increment angles |
theta = theta + step; |
end |
Right, this syntax is from the new HG2 graphics systems introduced in the latest MATLAB R2014b.
I'm also using new functions like
You could replace that part with the old syntax of
. But you'll also have to replace the use ofanimatedline
with regularline
graphics object and update them manually...