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Created April 1, 2016 11:39
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watershed: MATLAB vs. OpenCV
%% data
load watershedExample.mat
A = rgbImage(:,:,1);
marker = int32(cv.dilate(uint8(marker)));
L = watershed(A);
m = (marker > 0) | (L == 0);
m = im2uint8(m);
m(:,:,3) = 0;
surf(A, 'FaceAlpha',0.5, 'EdgeAlpha',0.25), hold on
hold off, axis tight vis3d
title('MATLAB watershed')
colormap(flipud(hot(64))), colorbar
rotate3d on
%% OpenCV (using
L = cv.watershed(rgbImage, marker);
m = (marker > 0) | (L == -1);
m = im2uint8(m);
m(:,:,3) = 0;
surf(A, 'FaceAlpha',0.5, 'EdgeAlpha',0.25), hold on
hold off, axis tight vis3d
title('OpenCV watershed')
colormap(flipud(hot(64))), colorbar
rotate3d on
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