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Forked from pcdinh/trystack.markdown
Created August 25, 2013 12:28
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TryStack in 8 Simple Steps

  1. Head over to then join the facebook group to get your invite.
  2. When you get the (Somebody) approved your request to join the group TryStack notification, go login to trystack (click login using facebook and approve with facebook).
  3. Click the Security Groups tab, click Edit Rules, and add a couple rules:
    1. imcp, from port: -1, to port: -1, cidr:
    2. tcp, from port: 22, to port: 22, cidr:
  4. Click the Keypairs tab, then click Add New Keypair, name it trystack. A file will download to your computer.
  5. Click the Images tab, then click Launch next to one of the images. Fill out the form and make sure to select trystack as your Key Name and include default in the Security Groups. Click launch instance. Note the IP address you are assigned.

On your computer

  1. Open your terminal and move trystack.pem to ~/.ssh/trystack.pem.
  2. Run chmod 600 ~/.ssh/trystack.pem.
  3. Run ssh -i ~/.ssh/trystack.pem [email protected].


  1. CIDR means classless inter-domain routing. Basically allows all IP addresses. allows only
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